Prosecutor Fails to Provide Evidence Supporting His Allegations Against Falun Gong Practitioner

A Linfen City resident was recently tried for distributing information about Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline being persecuted by the Chinese communist regime.

Mr. Song Wanlin was arrested on July 13 and appeared in court on December 1. His lawyer entered a not guilty plea for him, as no law in China criminalises Falun Gong, and his client was exercising his constitutional right to freedom of belief and freedom of the press.

The prosecutor alleged that Mr. Song used his office computer to make Falun Gong materials. The defense lawyer challenged the prosecutor to present forensic evidence, and the latter claimed that such evidence was not important.

The indictment stated that Mr. Song had 307 copies of Falun Gong materials with him when he was arrested, but the prosecutor failed to produce any evidence in court.

The lawyer requested that all prosecution evidence be shown in court, and the judge said he’d consider the request before the next hearing.

Related Report:Practitioner Song Wanlin from Linfen City Prosecuted