Activities were held on July 9 in Campsie, a business and administrative centre in south-western Sydney, to raise awareness of organ harvesting atrocities in China. Prisoners of conscience, most of whom practice Falun Gong, are killed in large numbers for their organs. Many signed a petition to protest the atrocities.

Passersby stopped to find out information about the organ harvesting, and supported the efforts of practitioners by signing the petition and calling for its end. They were shocked by the brutality of the persecution and condemned China’s communist regime for this appalling crime.

Ms. Cherry Raya, a Thai Chinese college student, said organ harvesting was outrageous, and that she would tell all her friends about it through social media.

Somya and Danish Khan gasped on seeing the banner about organ harvesting, “How can anybody do such a thing! It’s really inhuman! We have to hurry up and stop the persecution! What can we do to help? Can we make a donation?”
Somya told Falun Gong practitioners donating organs was a serious matter and required complicated paperwork in Australia. She and her husband had registered to donate their organs after death, but she had to get all family members’ approval and go through all the required process. She was shocked the CCP had taken organs from living people and sold them to foreign patients. Both Somya and Danish would like to watch the documentary Human Harvest and help spread the news.

Avado and Valvrie spoke out against organ harvesting atrocities and said they completely supported Falun Gong practitioners. Avado said the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance were great, and that she would like to learn the practice.
