Announcement by Falun Dafa Association

Announcing the Establishment of the Integrated Committee to Investigate the
Secret Sujiatun Concentration Camp and the Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong
in China

Whereas, since March 2006, a great deal of evidence has surfaced
exposing the secret concentration camp in Sujiatun District, Shenyang City, Liaoning
Province. Here, the CCP has imprisoned thousands of Falun Dafa practitioners in
order to harvest their organs for profit while they are still alive, and then
destroyed the evidence by cremating their bodies. Further evidence indicates that
there are 36 such concentration camps in China;

Whereas, witnesses and family
members of the witnesses have stated that many tortured to death Falun Dafa practitioners’
bodies had their organs stolen, and the families were given ashes from unknown
sources after the practitioners were secretly cremated without being notified
or allowed to examine the bodies;

Whereas, Falun Gong has been persecuted
since July 20, 1999 in a campaign of genocide, and even under a strict information
blockade, 2857 Falun Gong practitioners are confirmed to have been tortured to

Whereas, Falun Gong practitioners have been cruelly tortured, forcibly
administered nerve damaging drugs, sexually abused and/or raped, and their whereabouts
hidden after being illegally arrested;

Whereas in the past seven years,
the CCP has tried with all means at its disposal to seal off information about
the persecution, has fabricated lies, including the staged "Tiananmen Self-immolation
Incident," has fanned hatred, and tempted the world with financial and trade
benefits, causing many people to be misled and to ignore the persecution or even
assist the evildoers;

Whereas, the exposure of the Sujiatun Concentration
Camp has proved to the international community, that in the past seven years,
all the facts about the persecution that Falun Dafa practitioners have revealed
through huge sacrifice are only a small fraction of the whole picture. As the
direct victims of this persecution, in order to completely investigate the truth,
urgently stop the persecution, it is imperative for Falun Gong organizations outside
China to investigate the situation in Mainland China;

Whereas, the CCP has
denied the existence of the Sujiatun Concentration Camp, and declared that the
international community is allowed to go to China to investigate;

information received indicates that the CCP intends to destroy the evidence of
its crimes, which makes the situation very urgent, as it involves many Falun Gong
practitioners’ and witnesses’ lives;

Whereas, the CCP’s persecution of Falun
Gong has caused widespread concern from many governments, organizations, and people,
the calls for an investigation and bringing the killers to justice are getting
stronger and louder, the international community has an undeniable responsibility
to take action, and thoroughly investigate and put the murderers on trial;

are forming a "Integrated Committee to Investigate the Secret Sujiatun Concentration
Camp and the Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong in China" starting today,
and we invite all related international organizations, state agencies and media
to join us in requesting to go to China to conduct an independent, direct, interference-free
investigation to collect evidence, and completely search for the truth of the
persecution of Falun Gong, including the Sujiatun Concentration Camp and other
secret concentration camps located elsewhere.

As the initiative of this
committee, the Falun Dafa Association and Clearwisdom Net hereby call on all kindhearted
people of conscience to give this committee your help and moral support. Let the
facts of the persecution be exposed as early as possible, so that this brutal
persecution that has lasted almost seven years can end.

Integrated Committee
to Investigate the Secret Sujiatun Concentration Camp and the Facts of the Persecution
of Falun Gong in China

April 4, 2006

Posting date: 6/April/2006
article date: 4/April/2006
Category: Announcements

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