

A Detailed Account of Horrific Acts of Sexual Abuse and Torture by Authorities in the Dalian Forced Labor Camp

On June 29, 2003, the “News Overview” program broadcast on Dalian’s TV Station reported on the situation of Falun Gong practitioners imprisoned in the Dalian Forced Labor Camp. The TV station also showed the staff in the labor camp singing, dancing, and playing in a yard that was full of flowers and grass. Is this really the truth? The following will unmask the staged kindness of the Dalian labor camp staff.

Falun Gong Practitioners File Lawsuit Against Jiang in Taiwan (Photo)

Seven Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioners, including Lin Hsiao-Kai and an under-aged victim, filed a lawsuit in a Taiwan High Court accusing former Chinese President Jiang Zemin, former Chinese Vice Premier Li Lanqing and member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party Politburo with genocide. The lawsuit is based on a Taiwanese law for the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide stipulated in 1953.

This is the first criminal case by Taiwanese people against Chinese officials and the first case in which members of the Chinese community have brought charges against Jiang Zemin. It follows lawsuits filed against Jiang in the US, Belgium and Spain. Lawsuits against Jiang Zemin are also planned in Australia, Canada, Switzerland, Germany and Ireland.

Taipei Times: China must eliminate Falun Gong persecution

On the Chinese side is inhumane persecution, while on the Taiwanese side there is widespread sympathy from people all over the country. Three hundred thousand Taiwanese people now practice Falun Gong; including their family members, they number a million.

“Self-Immolation” Analysis Movie Wins International Movie Festival Award (Photo)

The movie “False Fire,” which analyzes the 2001 Tiananmen Square “self-immolation” incident, won a Certificate of Honorable Mention at the 51st Columbus International Movie Festival. New Tang Dynasty TV, a non-profit privately owned Chinese TV station, produced the movie. The award ceremony was held in the Kansas Center, Columbus Arts College, Columbus, Ohio.

TAIPEI TIMES: Falun Gong to sue Jiang

Thousands of Falun Gong practitioners in Taiwan stage a protest against
former Chinese president Jiang Zemin and other Chinese officials in front of
the Presidential Office in downtown Taipei yesterday morning.