

Australians Celebrate 5th “World Falun Dafa Day” In Sydney

The Falun Dafa practitioners of Australia are proud to host a grand parade on Saturday, 8th May 2004 in the city centre of Sydney. The parade includes cultural performances, drums & gongs, a special traditional costume performance, floats depicting the history of Falun Gong over the last 12 years.

Melbourne: Symbolic Trial on Jiang at the City Plaza Move Numerous Spectators (Photos)

On the afternoon of April 24, 2004, in order to allow more people to learn about facts of the nearly five-year persecution, more than 60 Falun Gong practitioners from Melbourne went to the City Plaza in Downtown area to expose the Jiang’s group’s ruthless persecution of Falun Gong through a symbolic trial on the perpetrator Jiang Zemin.

Lawyer Chris Nyst: Civilised Countries’ Commitment To Preventing Human Rights Violations Cannot Be Overridden

Celebrated UK Human Rights lawyer, author and playwright, Mr Geoffrey
Robertson QC, has joined forces with high profile Australian lawyer, author and
filmmaker, Mr Chris Nyst, and a group of Australian university students, to
compile a 500 page complaint to the Human Rights Commission detailing instances
of shocking abuse by Chinese prison guards and government officials perpetrated
on an Australian citizen.