

Sydney Morning Herald: Chen’s spy claim backed by second defector

Mr Hao says he worked for the local branch of a security service known as 6-10, set up specifically to wipe out the religious group, Falun Gong. “Back in China I worked in the 6-10 office and every day a lot of time was dealing with the reports that were being sent in from overseas,” he told the program.

The Epoch Times: Second Chinese insider comes forward

A fugitive Chinese security agent hiding in Melbourne has been inspired by the recent defection of Chinese diplomat Mr Chen Yonglin and The Epoch Times’ Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, to reveal information about the massive human rights abuses inside China, especially those against Falun Gong practitioners, and Chinese spy activities in Australia.

Dutch Man Describes Experience Being Kidnapped in China

Peter started to practice Falun Gong two years ago. In order to read the Falun Gong books in their original language, he started to learn Chinese by himself over a year ago; he can now read “Zhuan Falun” and some other Falun Dafa books in Chinese. Out of his appreciation for Chinese culture, he visited China. His intention was to travel, visit his old friends and to improve his spoken Chinese

The Function of the CCP Culture in the Persecution of Falun Gong (Photo) – Part 1

Several years ago, when clarifying the truth of Falun Gong over the Internet, I often sensed unspoken hatred from some Internet surfers incited by the propaganda and deceit of the Party. Some people, unprovoked, would say “Go to hell!” to a person whom they had never met nor had any conflict with. From such actions, one can see the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s distortion of human nature.

Reference Material: The Truth Behind China’s Economic Boom

To the Chinese leaders, the top priority is to perpetuate their own power. The biggest worry is the collapse of the Communist Party. Secretly they are praying that the conflicts don’t explode now; not in my term, please; wait until I retire; then you can do whatever you want.