

Washington Post: China Shutters Prominent Lawyer’s Firm

Judicial authorities in Beijing have shut down the law firm of a prominent civil rights lawyer after he refused to withdraw an open letter urging President Hu Jintao to respect freedom of religion and stop persecuting members of the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement.

A True Story of Reincarnation: Sramana on Ganges River

At present, Falun Dafa is being persecuted in Mainland China. Dafa practitioners have withstood enormous pressure under this unprecedented tribulation and made it through several years. There are many heroic and inspiring stories of Dafa practitioners. This article is a review from the historical perspective and discovers how we had steadfastly cultivated ourselves in our past lives.

Falun Gong Human Rights Newsletter: Where in China Are Your Dolls and Toys Made? (Photos)

The African slave trade, Hitler’s concentration camps, and the Soviet gulags, all added together, are not enough to describe the sinister nature of the Chinese communist regime’s laogai system – the system of “education and rectification through forced labor.” This evil system is by far the most-employed apparatus in the PRC government’s persecution of Falun Gong.

The Effect of Overseas Lawsuits Against High-Ranking CCP Officials

Lawsuits filed outside China against high-ranking CCP officials have become an important aspect of Falun Gong practitioners’ efforts to resist the persecution. Some people may ask, “As soon you file a lawsuit, he runs back to China. What can you do to the defendants? What good is it to sue them?”

Falun Dafa Association Announcement

Since 1999 when the dictator Jiang Zemin initiated the bloody persecution of Falun Gong in China, the CCP has relied upon state power and an array of CCP terrorist mechanisms under its control to suppress innocent Falun Gong practitioners to the greatest extent possible. Under Jiang and the CCP’s menace, many province- and city-level officials have acted as ringleaders or collaborators in the torture and killing of Falun Gong practitioners. Using their official positions, they have participated in this persecution to varying degrees, not only as initiators, co-conspirators and ringleaders, but also as aiders, abetters, and other types of accomplices.

U.S. Opens Doors to Falun Gong Refugees

Woman Tortured in China, Settles in U.S. as UN Refugee
With assistance and support from the U.S. State Department, Members of Congress and several NGOs, Ms. Weixun Li arrived in the U.S. last week as a UN refugee. Li had fled China where she had been tortured to the brink of death.