

Organ Harvesting – An inhuman crime and tragedy

The dawn of the 21st century has brought with it a new kind of evil – the mass harvesting of organs from prisoners of conscience. We are confronted with not only a few acts of murder, but murders that are systematic and committed on a large scale, sanctioned by the world’s largest remaining communist regime. This is the tragedy of organ harvesting in China, where victims’ organs are forcibly harvested and sold for profit.

Falun Gong Remembers 13 Years of Courage

Millions of Falun Gong practitioners around the world will mark a historic day on 25 April commemorating the 13th anniversary of the largest public appeal since the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests.

The Epoch Times: Chinese Asylum Seekers to Stay in Australia

In an unusual Australian refugee case, eight Falun Gong practitioners and two other Chinese asylum seekers had a closed-door meeting in Darwin with immigration officials today, as they tossed up whether to continue on a dangerous voyage by boat to New Zealand or stay in Australia.

Letter from Torture Victim of Gangbei Prison, Tianjin

Located in Tianjin province, China, the Gangbei Prison has tortured more than 100 Falun Gong practitioners. With instructions from the Chinese Communist Party, wardens persecute practitioners with various methods, either directly or through manipulating inmates. Falun Gong practitioner Fan Jianming was recently released from the prison, where he had been tortured for nine years.

An Aussie Response to Persecution in China

On Saturday, whilst watching the demonstration put on by practitioners in Brisbane Square, Brisbane City, it was brought to my attention that the Communist Party China is persecuting the peaceful adherents of this passive, healing art form. I, of course, signed the proffered petition immediately and made the attempt to gather more insight as to why such peaceful people are suffering.

The Chronicle: Followers Gather for Big Parade

Toowoomba resident Yan Zhao says she has become a much more relaxed and worry-free person ever since she took up the Chinese spiritual discipline Falun Dafa in 1996. But when you’ve been given the difficult task of gathering more than 100 Falun Dafa members from around Australia to march in the Carnival of Flowers Grand Central Floral Parade, a little inner peace never hurts.