

Southern Highland News: Health & Lifestyle

Falun Dafa is an ancient cultivation practice of refining the body and mind through exercises, meditation and embodying the principles of the universe namely truthfulness, compassion and forbearance.

China’s Economic Clout Squashes Australian Citizens’ Rights

19 September 2002, (Australian Falun Dafa Information Centre) There was no demonstration against Li Peng by Falun Gong practitioners, only the regular appeal that has been on-going since May 2001 across from the Embassy to make people aware of the brutal persecution of practitioners by the Jiang regime in China.

AFP: Falun Gong members protest at Earth Summit

JOHANNESBURG, Sept 1 (AFP) – Members of the spiritual group Falun Gong staged a protest at the Earth Summit in Johannesburg Sunday to call for the release of practitioners held in Chinese jails.