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Information Centre

Sydney Practitioners Hold Press Conference Outside Chinese Consulate

At 1 pm, August 5, practitioners from the Sydney area held a press conference outside the Chinese Consulate in Sydney regarding Hong Kong’s trial of Swiss and Hong Kong practitioners. They called on people of all walks of life to express concern and help stop this “political persecution.”

Falun Dafa Information Center: A Trial that Never Should Have Happened

“No amount of hatred can crush our compassionate hearts, and no propaganda can forever hide the truth.” On March 14, 2002, twelve Hong Kong practitioners joined the four Swiss to begin a quiet, three-day sit-in and hunger strike in front of the Peoples’ Republic of China Liaison Office. Photographic and video documentation (photos and timeline) clearly illustrate that the practitioners appealed peacefully, posed no threat, and left ample room for pedestrian traffic.

Reuters: HK police didn’t persecute Falun Gong-prosecutors.

HONG KONG, Aug 6 (Reuters) – Hong Kong police did not persecute the 16 Falun
Gong followers charged with obstruction, prosecutors said on Tuesday towards
the end of Hong Kong’s first trial of members of the controversial spiritual

Police Hang 70 Year-Old Man From a Rack, Leaving Him to Die Days Later

August 5, 2002 (Falun Dafa Information Center) – Today, as 16 Swiss and Hong Kong practitioners of Falun Gong are on trial in the SAR for peacefully appealing outside China’s Liaison Office to end the torture and killing of Falun Gong practitioners in China, reports surface of eight more deaths due to police brutality on the Mainland.