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Information Centre

A True Story — A Woman Traveling in the Rain

The woman smiled and said, “I do not have that much difficulty really. Some people say that cultivators do not live normal lives. I will show them! My children and I, we have a good life.

Human Rights SOS Car Tour – continued(Photos)

In order to appeal to the kind Australians for rescuing the family members who are persecuted in China for their belief, four Sydney Falun Gong practitioners have embarked on a “SOS Car Tour”.

History of Chinese Culture

Ever since the pre-Qin period, through the successive dynasties, Chinese thinkers have searched tirelessly for the eternal Great Tao that Confucius and Lao Zi praised so highly.

Eminent Human Rights Lawyer Taking Australian Resident’s Plight To U.N.

AN Australian resident subjected to torture and persecution in China is to have her case championed in the United Nations Commission on Human Rights by eminent human rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson.

A range of civil actions against Jiang Zemin and his persecution of Falun Gong members are under way internationally, but Ms Zhang’s case is unique in that it is an international legal action launched by an individual against the former Chinese president.

Interview with Australian Artist, Ms Zhang Cuiying

Ms Zhang has been away from her Bankstown home in Australia on a world tour since
May 2001. She has exhibited in over 40 countries and well over 100 cities. Being
in Australia for just over one month, she has already begun her latest tour, exhibiting
her traditional Chinese paintings in different districts throughout New South

Mayor of West Hollywood Stands Firm in Defending Proclamation for Falun Gong

And this year I received a letter from the Chinese consulate, this time I was more outraged, I wrote them a letter back. I said, “I reviewed all of your materials and I found your materials to be childish.” And I said, “They were not persuasive, and indeed the more information I get the more it persuades me that your government is wrong.”