Chinese Idiom: Three People can turn a Rumor of a Tiger Being Downtown into an Accepted Truth
A rumor that a tiger was spotted downtown is an obvious falsehood, but a rumor, if repeated often enough, can be accepted as truth.
Information Centre
A rumor that a tiger was spotted downtown is an obvious falsehood, but a rumor, if repeated often enough, can be accepted as truth.
Currently, there is a sense that modern science will continue to advance indefinitely and will eventually discover a complete and consistent theory of the universe. However, as much as modern science has been making great advances, it has also been discovering its limitations.
Im a long-term resident of Tasmania, and have practiced and studied with our Falun Dafa group in Hobart for the past twenty months. We are fortunate to have a beautiful open practice-site for Sunday morning exercises in a city park
A Quebec Court of Appeal reinstated Falun Gong practitioners’ Motion for Contempt of Court against the Montreal Chinese Newspaper Les Presses Chinoises and the author Bing He. The decision will be recorded in the most prestigious law journal — Dominion Law Reports.
Recently in Nahe City, Heilongjiang Province, Falun Dafa practitioners successfully aired truth clarification videos through the local cable TV system. About 600 households viewed the program, which included the truth about the persecution against Dafa and Dafa practitioners.
I was wearing a yellow jacket with Chinese and English words “Falun Dafa” and “Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance.” Two Chinese officials came to us and looked at us.
Lin returned to Taiwan on Monday after being detained in China for 20 days. Worried that China had bugged his home and was watching his every movement, Lin felt uncomfortable upon his return, and he and his wife decided to stay in a hotel in Yuanlin.
I am 65 years old, and I am a retired military person. Since July 20, 1999, the start of the persecution of Falun Gong, I was arrested many times, and my niece was tortured to death.
FALUN Gong demonstrators protested outside the Chinese consulate in Sydney
yesterday against the detention of prisoners in northeast China.
On Saturday, 1 November 2003, Falun Gong practitioners from around southeast Queensland held activities to inform the public of the severe situation Mr Cheng Lun Liu faces after being nearly tortured to death at Jilin Prison.