Statement of Detained Swedish Practitioner Pirjo Svensson
I miss my family and they are worried for me, and my workplace needs me in Sweden. So I hope that the Thai Government can resolve this issue with justice and good will, as soon as possible.
World News
I miss my family and they are worried for me, and my workplace needs me in Sweden. So I hope that the Thai Government can resolve this issue with justice and good will, as soon as possible.
Since July 1999, Jiang Zemin’s regime has applied state terrorism in its genocide of Falun Gong practitioners. Jiang Zemin’s official policy is “Destroy their reputation, bankrupt them financially, and annihilate them physically.”
On May 18, a day after conducting a grand parade to celebrate the 11th anniversary of Falun Dafa’s introduction to the public, the 2003 Canada Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference was held in the Westin Bayshore Conference Center.
A group of Indian VIPs met to discuss the best way to stop the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. They established a network to promote the human rights of Falun Gong practitioners and this network now includes MPs, academics, leaders of religous groups and leaders of NGOs.
Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Swedish Embassy in Thailand expressed serious concern over the detention and possible deportation of Mrs. Svensson and demanded an immediate explanation from the Thai Foreign Ministry.
As part of its worldwide campaign to persecute Falun Gong, the Chinese regime is exerting pressure on the Thai government to deport a Swedish Falun Gong practitioner living in Thailand.
I have the pleasure to inform you that based upon the information received from the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, from the point of view of the Romanian authorities, Ms. Zhang Cuiying is free to organize and hold a paintings exhibition in Romania on commercial basis and in the framework of the Romanian laws.
My wife and I attended a Falun Gong presentation by a practitioner. We were very impressed with the practice and the benefits it brings people. After these experiences, it was impossible to understand the Communist’s policy against it. It seemed that the regime in China was just as terrible as Hussein’s Iraqi regime.
Over 2,000 practitioners and supporters of Falun Gong from around the world gathered Saturday in several locations throughout New York City, including Times Square, Flushing and Brooklyn for rallies to expose the lies and propaganda of the Chinese regime.
The Jiang Zemin genocide lawsuit brought by Falun Gong practitioners has passed the courtroom discussion stage, and it has been placed on the agenda in recent days. More legal proceedings will unfold in about two weeks.