“We will continue to provide evidence of this genocide”
We will continue to provide evidence of this genocide. We have asked the Minister of Justice to grant authorisation to investigate the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin.
World News
We will continue to provide evidence of this genocide. We have asked the Minister of Justice to grant authorisation to investigate the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin.
Letter from “The Global Coalition To Bring Jiang To Justice” to Mr Kofi Annan, the Secretary-General of United Nation.
Mrs. Isaku said she was “very impressed by the people who are not only friends of Cuiying but also Falun Dafa practitioners from other countries who helped with the exhibition every day. I want to express my solidarity with Falun Dafa.”
On Monday, 29 Septemember 2003, plaintiffs in Falun Gong v. Jiang Zemin (and the 6-10 Office) filed legal papers charging Jiang Zemin with crimes of extensive corruption and urged the Court to hold him responsible for committing genocide against Falun Gong for his own private benefit to consolidate his power base, enhance his stature, and increase his personal wealth.
Through peaceful means and the international court of law, without any political purpose or agenda, the Coalition seeks to hold this dictator and his accomplices accountable for their actions. The Coalition’s commitment to defend ethics, morality, and justice is unprecedented in China and will serve to set the precedence for the future of the Chinese people.
The hearing of the appeal for the “Obstruction Case” mainly centered on how to define what is appropriate with respect to obstructing public space during appeal activities. The verdict might influence the future application of the Summary Offences Ordinance.
The World Organization Against Torture USA supports the continuation of the investigation under the Belgian Universal Jurisdiction law of criminal charges concerning Jiang Zemin, the former President of China and two of his senior colleagues, Luo Gan and Li Lanqing. These charges include genocide, crimes against humanity and crimes of torture. It is important to apply the principles of the Universal Jurisdiction law to this case and to make certain that these individuals do not escape responsibility for the serious human rights abuse they have perpetrated.
News from Chisinau, the Capital of the Republic of Moldova:Luo Gan, the head of the 610 Office (a Gestapo like agency in China) Luo Gan is going to face another criminal lawsuit in Moldova for the crimes of torture and genocide.
The precious Chinese people stopped in their steps and attentively looked at the truth-clarifying posters. They were astonished to learn about the persecution in China and the fact that Jiang is being sued in the U.S. and Belgium. Many people eagerly asked for truth-clarifying literature and had various questions.
Today in a criminal lawsuit, the man in charge of the “6-10 Office”, Luo Gan, who is on a two-day visit to Iceland, has been charged with crimes of torture, genocide and crimes against humanity. The lawsuit was filed September 8 with the State Criminal Prosecutor in Iceland.