Practitioner Wang Fengwei from Liaocheng City, Shandong Province Tortured to Death in Shen County Detention Centre
Our fellow Falun Dafa disciple Wang Fengwei died from the torture in Shen County Detention Centre at the end of November 2002.
news and media
Our fellow Falun Dafa disciple Wang Fengwei died from the torture in Shen County Detention Centre at the end of November 2002.
I am writing to express my strong opposition to the current proposed draft of Article 23, legislation that would, if not substantially modified, essentially revoke the promise of “One Country, Two Systems” for the people of Hong Kong.
Australian Falun Dafa practitioners thank you for your understanding and support for the past years and wish you a peaceful and happy new year !
The Taiwan Falun Dafa Society has a modest office in Taipei, but its
unofficial centre of gravity is the economics department of National Taiwan
University, the island’s most prestigious school, where at least four of the
30 or so faculty are practitioners.
United States, Britain and Canada are among the nations raising
questions, and many here doubt the “trust me” approach.
“Talk is baseless,” said Falun Gong spokeswoman Sharon Xu. “It’s not legally
I was also eager to keep my mother company. But the Chinese consulate delayed my visa; and as a result my mother and I were not able to see each other for the last time.
Nowadays, there is always a pair of stone lions in front of the Changchun police bureaus and stations. It has been said by insiders that the accident rate in the police system in recent years has been extremely high.
The Private Secretary has been asked by the Queen to thank you for your correspondence which has been received by Buckingham Palace, and to say that the enclosed reply is sent to you on her behalf.
Western diplomats involved in human-rights talks with China say that a couple
of years ago indications of possible reform were somewhat more encouraging.
The Chinese have now gone quiet on reform, says one envoy. One reason, he
suggests, is the campaign against Falun Gong, which has resulted in thousands
of its followers being sent to RTL camps since 1999.
On 23rd December in the afternoon, the gathering of anti Hong Kong Article 23 was held in front of the Victorian Parliament House, Melbourne.