Media Reports

Media Reports

Le Temps (The Times) in Geneva (Economy edition): TOYS

A former prisoner of the Chinese camps says she has manufactured Toy rabbits for Nestle during her detention. After investigation, the Swiss multinational denies, but wants to guarantee that no use of forced labour is done by its subcontractors.

The age: Falun Gong followers jailed

Eight Falun Gong members have been sentenced to up to 13 years in prison for
hijacking local television and radio signals in eastern China’s Anhui
province to promote the banned spiritual movement. A Professor’s Path to Embracing Falun Gong in Taiwan

The Taiwan Falun Dafa Society has a modest office in Taipei, but its
unofficial centre of gravity is the economics department of National Taiwan
University, the island’s most prestigious school, where at least four of the
30 or so faculty are practitioners.

AP: Planned Hong Kong Security Law Draws Fire

United States, Britain and Canada are among the nations raising
questions, and many here doubt the “trust me” approach.

“Talk is baseless,” said Falun Gong spokeswoman Sharon Xu. “It’s not legally

Reuters: Australia raises concern about HK’s subversion law

A spokeswoman from Australia’s foreign office said Canberra had raised its
concerns with Hong Kong officials, pressing for a full and open consultation
period on the proposed law. “We look to the Hong Kong government to ensure the basic freedoms that are
so important to Hong Kong’s ongoing success as an international business
centre with an attractive way of life,” a spokeswoman from the Department of
Foreign Affairs and Trade told Reuters.

Moreland Community News (Australia): Prime Minister called on to lend hand

FALUN Gong practitioners Lucy Liu and Jennifer Zeng are caught in the shadows between diplomacy and human rights.

From Ms Liu’s Pascoe Vale flat, the pair last week described how relatives in China have been caught up in the Government’s crackdown on the Falun Gong movement. Like other followers who have fled the crackdown, the women are lobbying their new country’s government to pressure China on its human rights abuses.

ABC (Australia): China, US continue human rights talks

US Assistant Secretary of State Lorne Craner is leading the 11th round of the human rights dialogue and will meet the chief justice of China’s supreme court and other high-ranking bureaucrats.

Subjects up for discussion include workers’ rights, religious freedom, Falun Gong and issues related to Tibet and Xinjiang.