Media Reports

Media Reports

SMH: Beijing urged to come clean on extent of infection

WHO experts searching for the origins of the outbreak in China urged officials there to come clean on the scale of the disease after a Time magazine report in which a doctor claimed the capital’s main hospital for SARS cases had admitted 60 patients with the virus, of whom seven died.

Asia Times: Beijing loses big on SARS gamble [Excerpt]

BEIJING – As can be easily gleaned from history, wars are certainly terrible, but epidemics can be worse. This has not been the case in China, where large pandemics have been limited because of dissemination of knowledge to the public and good health care.

SCMP: Pressure seen for HK to rein in Falun Gong

The US State Department has voiced concern over what it perceives as
pressure on Hong Kong from the mainland to restrict Falun Gong criticism
Beijing’s policies on the banned spiritual group.

AP: More Asian Nations Adopt Quarantines

CNN satellite feed to an apartment compound
foreigners in Beijing went black during a report on the illness –
that has happened in the past when the news network reports about the
Falun Gong spiritual movement or other stories that make the communist
government uneasy.