Media Reports

Media Reports

Interview with Australian Artist, Ms Zhang Cuiying

Ms Zhang has been away from her Bankstown home in Australia on a world tour since
May 2001. She has exhibited in over 40 countries and well over 100 cities. Being
in Australia for just over one month, she has already begun her latest tour, exhibiting
her traditional Chinese paintings in different districts throughout New South

Macarthur Chronicle (Australia): Brushing away memories

ARTIST Zhang Cuiying is all too familiar with suppression so it’s hardly

surprising she found a ban on painting “like a death sentence”.

The Bankstown woman was imprisoned in China in 1999 for practising Falun

Dafa, a form of meditation.

ABC Radio Australia News: Falun Gong woman looks to UN for help

“The plan is that Geoffrey and I will do some things in New York in the lead
up to it. There’s also a possibility that there may be a separate action in
the international court of justice so that may also require us to make an
appearance in Geneva.”