Media Reports

Media Reports

Noosa news(QLD): Letter to Editor – FREE TRADE AT A HEAVY PRICE

I applaud the Noosa News for tackling a front-page report, “Too strong, too real”, on the recent Falun Gong Art Exhibition “Uncompromising Courage” and for clarifying the truth of the ongoing persecution against millions of innocent citizens inside Mainland China.

Largest Nationwide Arrest Campaign Since July 1999 Taking Place throughout China

The Chinese Communist Party has been carrying out massive secret arrests across the country, spanning several provinces and many cities, according to numerous sources in China. The arrests are targeting anyone believed to have an affiliation with Falun Gong, and witnesses say that some cities are being controlled under martial law conditions.

The Courier l Mail: A state of torture (Photo)

Describing the Chinese Government’s brutal persecution of tens of thousands of followers of Falun Gong – a pacifist and apolitical movement based on the tenets of truth, compassion and forbearance – Zeng’s book inspires such outrage that readers will probably feel the need to research the situation for themselves to see if the author has exaggerated the scale of the tragedy or the outrageousness of the Government’s actions.

The Australian: Kowtowing to China

ONCE a month, Alexander Downer signs a certificate banning adherents of Falun Gong from displaying banners and making excessive noise outside the Chinese embassy in Canberra.