Media Release

Media Release

The Ottawa Citizen: New Heights for Human Rights

From the Matas-Kilgour report: “The Organ Transplant Center of the Armed Police General Hospital in Beijing boldly states: ‘Our Organ Transplant Center is our main department for making money. This year (2004) there is a chance to break through 30,000,000 yuan (about $3.8 million U.S.).’ ”

Wife of Chinese Embassy Diplomat Defects; Exposes CCP Plots

The wife of a diplomat stationed in the Chinese Embassy in Canada has defected,
bringing with her documents and testimony said to expose illicit activities organized
by the Chinese Embassy against Falun Gong practitioners, democracy activists and
other critics of the Chinese regime.

Chinese official sued for torture to face court

Mr CHEN Shaoji, the former Party Secretary of the CCP Guangdong Political and Judicial Committee, in charge of directing the Guangdong 6-10 Office , is due to appear in court at a status conference, after being served legal documents on the 07/12/06 for his involvement in the torture of Falun Gong practitioners in Guangdong.