Media Release

Media Release

Ministry of Public Security’s Olympics Scrutiny Notice Reveals CCP’s Desperation, Violation of Human Rights, and Opposition to the Olympic Spirit

Recently, Chinese authorities sent out the following directive: Since early-April, the Chinese police have been secretly issuing “Notification on Strictly Carrying Out Background Investigations on Candidates for the Olympics and Performing a Pre-Selection Test” to each province, autonomous region, police stations and bureaus in municipalities directly under the Central Government.

EU and UK Parliamentarians Raise Labor Camp Case with Chinese Regime

A total of twenty UK parliamentarians have written to the Chinese communist regime or the UK Foreign Office since Wenjian Liang, her husband Zhiyong Lin and six other Falun Gong practitioners were detained in February, and sentenced to labor camps without trial in March. Amnesty International issued an “urgent action” and the UK media also reported on their plight.

Sydney Mayor Urges Australian Government to Respond to Organ Harvesting Allegations (Photos)

When the CCP’s atrocities of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners were exposed, the international community was shocked. Last October, Australian activists established the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG) Australia Chapter. Currently, the group has drawn more than 80 members including senators Andrew Bartlett, Kerry Nettle and Barnaby Joyce and MP Chris Bowen.

Reflections on the Fifteen-year Journey of Falun Gong

Falun Gong has been here for fifteen years, from 1992 to today. The fifteen years that Falun Gong has been through demonstrates the glory of righteous belief and foretells the inevitable failure of the persecution.

All Circles in Europe Condemn the CCP’s Human Rights Violations on the Eve of the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue

On May 10th, 2007, ten human rights organisations, including Human Rights Without Borders, International Human Rights Association, the Uygur World Congress and the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China (CIPFG), held a joint press conference at the headquarters of the European Union (EU) in Brussels, Belgium, to expose the CCP’s human rights violations, and urge the EU to take effective action regarding the deteriorating human rights situation in China.

Rationally Opposing the Persecution, Ms. Dai Zhizhen and Her Daughter Win Humanitarianism Award in Melbourne (Photos)

The Australian Altruism Foundation, headquartered in Melbourne, Australia issued the “The Turtle Award,” the award of humanitarianism, of year 2006 to Ms. Dai Zhizhen and her daughter, Chen Fadu, on the evening of May 3, 2007. The award commends their courage and spirit in their trips to 45 countries around the world in the past few years to call for help for those practitioners and their children who have been persecuted.