

Completely Getting Rid of Selfishness

“Selfishness” penetrated my whole cultivation practice; recently I could see my selfishness in a lot of areas. Sometimes a word from other people or an event touched my remaining attachments and shook my heart, causing me to become angry.

In A Few Words: Realm

If everyone is concerned only about themselves and concentrates a lot on their own work goals, eventually practitioners will stop supporting Dafa work as a whole body.

Foundations of Chemistry in Ancient China

It is widely known that the ancient Chinese were highly accomplished in the arena of science. In fact, there were outstanding scientists in almost every Chinese dynasty.

Chemistry in Ancient China: Alchemy

It is very difficult for modern people to fathom the scientific achievements in ancient China from a modern scientific point of view. Alchemy is not a dream. Ancient Chinese scientists already possessed knowledge of alchemy.

The Gift of Compassion

People often ask me how I have benefited from practising Dafa. I usually reply by talking about how it has helped me to become more relaxed, how I used to be nervous and worry about things.

Study Shows Brain Activity Influences Immune Function

By monitoring activity levels in the human brain’s prefrontal cortex, the researchers demonstrate for the first time that people who have more activity in the left side of this area also have a stronger immune response against disease.

History of Chinese Culture

Ever since the pre-Qin period, through the successive dynasties, Chinese thinkers have searched tirelessly for the eternal Great Tao that Confucius and Lao Zi praised so highly.