

Commentary: Watermelon Seeds Have Bloodstains of Falun Gong Prisoners

The City of Lanzhou, in Mainland China, is famous for its production of watermelon seeds. The exceptional taste of Lanzhou watermelon seeds has earned a reputation both domestically and internationally. Watermelon seeds are highly nutritious in protein, saturated fats, and vitamins, and therefore benefit the lungs, stomach, and the intestines.

Destiny and Fate: Twenty Bowls of Orange Skin Soup

In the era of the Emperor Xuzong in the Tang Dynasty, there was a fortune-teller who claimed he could foretell what foods people would eat in the future. Many officials in the Imperial Court went to see him and ask him to tell their fortune.

Coming for You: Chapter 2 – Memory Lane

My eyes opened. Now that was no nap. I had heard about people having their life flash before their eyes during a near death experience. Was I near death? This didn’t feel like a flash. It was a little unusual.

Coming for You: Chapter 1 – Shaky Knees and a Persistent Heart

We decided to travel separately to China so as not to draw any attention to Joel by linking him with me. Although we didn’t plan on being arrested, the likelihood of Joel leaving the Square anonymously was much higher if he appeared to have no connection to me.

Water, the Origin of Life(FSC-042)

My name is Zhao Yihong, I come from Tokyo, Japan. I am going to share with everyone here a group of pictures that display the beauty and mystery of water crystals, and tell everyone that “Falun Dafa is the real science.”

Falun Dafa Cultivation’s Supernormal Alterations to Gene Expression (FSC-002)

The influence of the mind (also referred to as “spirit” or “consciousness”) on the physical body is an open field in modern medicine. Recently, more and more pieces of evidence have demonstrated that the mind can alter the physical body in various ways, particularly through the endocrine and immune systems. However, there have been no efforts to try to understand how the mind alters gene expression.

Were Giants Just in Fables?

Giants have played an important, even essential role in every country’s fables. There are many stories describing the lives of giants, from the hero Odysseus in the Greek myth “The Odyssey”, who met a one-eyed giant on an island, to “Jack and the Beanstalk”, from the Grimm Brothers fairy tale collection, to the “Giant’s Kingdom” in Gulliver’s Travels.


Behold, our winters lifting, let the light of grandest suns emerge! When the last vestige
of resistance subsides, futile before many a wakeful heart.