

Article Review: The Australian: Mike Steketee: The price is rights

John Fitzgerald, a professor in Asia-Pacific studies at the Australian National University, told a federal parliamentary committee that many in leadership positions in China felt the Government’s banning of Falun Gong and its subsequent persecution was a terrible mistake.

Why Is Noah’s Ark So Famous?

Why is the story of Noah’s Ark so famous? Even in today’s China – a Communist country ruled by atheism with no Christian religious tradition, where everyone pursues only self-interest, fights for fame and money, and where morals collapse and religion declines, the story of Noah’s Ark remains well known. Why?

Mankind Is Facing the Choice to Fulfill “Never Again”

Today, it is time to fulfill the vow of “Never Again,” made 60 years ago! Almost seven years have past since the persecution of Falun Gong began, and while we hesitate in cold, cowardly silence, millions of Falun Dafa practitioners are being murdered for keeping their faith in the human conscience.

Why the China International Transplantation Network Assistance Center’s Chinese Web Page Was Removed (Photos)

A great deal of evidence indicates that the China International Transplantation Network Assistance Center (CITNAC), located in Shenyang City, is closely connected to the organ translplant atrocities at Sujiatun. Recently, we made a discovery. Internet archives reveal that the Chinese web page that the center used in 2003, and its updated web page in 2005, was removed immediately after the Sujiatun massacre came to light.

Do Not Wait: Stop Crimes against Humanity in China Today

Everyone Should Help Stop These State-sponsored Crimes. Sixty years ago, fewer Jewish people would have been killed if more people had stepped forward in the name of justice and courage. At least, the extent of persecution would have not been that extensive. Our efforts today become so significant to those whose lives are in danger.

Noosa News: Letter to Editor: RIGHTS OF FREEDOM?

How long can our leaders condone the abhorrent actions of China’s Communist dictatorship while curtailing the fundamental rights of fellow Australians who seek only to bring to an end China’s countless crimes against humanity?