

This Persecution is Not Just Happening “Over There”

From these and many other incidents we can see that this persecution is not just happening “over there”. A growing awareness and concern for this problem in our country could play a significant part in eliminating this wicked interference in the democratic lives of Australians.

Falun Gong in Hong Kong

On March 2, an editorial in the China Times stated that more and more people were starting to practice Falun Gong in Taiwan. Although not everyone believes in the practice, people could hardly dislike it, let alone hate it, since Falun Gong advocates “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance” and does not compete for material things. Falun Gong practitioners usually seem to be kind and treat others warmly.

Amnesty International Magazine Reports on Persecution of Falun Gong

Members of the Falun Gong spiritual movement are a key target of the Chinese government’s ‘strike hard’ campaign against crime. Tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have been arrested. Several dozen have been convicted and imprisoned after unfair trials. Thousands have been assigned, without any judicial process, to ‘re-education through labour’. And several hundred may have died as a result of torture.

An open letter from Australian artist Zhang Cuiying in Romania

I am an Australian painter, who holds exhibitions all over the world. I have exhibited my paintings in over 40 countries and more than 100 cities. I have held exhibitions in the United States Congress Hall, the European Parliament, Canada and New Zealand. Governors and Mayors have been to view the art exhibitions and I have received strong support, encouragement and even free promotion from people in various countries.