

AAP: Falun Gong protests during Wen visit

Falun Gong practitioners converged outside federal parliament demanding an end to Chinese “concentration camps”. The United Nations is looking into allegations by Falun Gong that thousands of its followers are being held at a Chinese “concentration camp” and some have been killed.

AAP: Embassy protesters claim court win

Mr Collaery told reporters this was a sensible decision and inevitable because of the impact on freedom of expression. He said Mr Downer was apparently reluctant to justify his statements that noise and music from demonstrators was impeding the work of Chinese diplomats and offending the dignity of the mission.

NATIONAL REVIEW, NY: A Place Called Sujiatun

There is a horrifying story going around the world: In the northeast of China, thousands of prisoners are being held, so that they can be killed for their organs. Organ-selling is a huge business for the Chinese. You can obtain organs in China as you can nowhere else: any type, and very speedily.