China News

China News

My Mom and Dad Were Taken Away (Photo)

I’m a Dafa practitioner in Mainland China, and I’m over three years old. I can recite many of Master’s articles and poems from Hong Yin. I especially like listening to Master teaching the Fa and Falun Dafa music.

Reports of 10 More Deaths of Falun Gong Practitioners Emerge from China

(SFDI) As the Falun Gong death count continues its rapid ascent, ten more innocent practitioners have been confirmed dead in provinces all over China, largely due to physical and psychological torture inflicted in detention centres and labour camps. The current total of confirmed deaths now stands at 644.

Tricks Used in the Brainwashing Centers

Falun Gong practitioners have undergone more than three years of brutal persecution and have become more mature with each passing day. The ridiculous lies and propaganda campaign emanating from the brainwashing classes are no longer able to deceive practitioners.

53 Falun Gong Deaths Reported in Three Weeks

Sydney(FDI)- Since March 1st, the deaths of 53 Falun Gong practitioners from torture and mistreatment in the hands of Chinese authorities have been reported. This is the largest number of confirmed deaths to be reported in a three-week time period since the persecution began in July 1999.