Man Detained for Exposing Persecution of Falun Gong on Chinese State-Run T.V. Dies in Police Custody
35-year-old Chinese citizen Mr. Mingkai Hou was dead and secretly cremated just two days after being detained by Chinese police.
China News
35-year-old Chinese citizen Mr. Mingkai Hou was dead and secretly cremated just two days after being detained by Chinese police.
After more than 3 years of torture and abuse, 65 year-old Mr. Quanfu Zhang was beaten to death in a Chinese forced-labor camp. His son, Qifa Zhang, died 16 days later from sustained torture in the same labor camp.
The authorities demanded that Dong’s parents rescind their legal appeal and informed them they would be given over ten thousand Yuan in exchange for dropping the case. However Dong’s parents rejected this offer.
When we questioned the police why they lied as Party members, they did not know what to say. Later one policeman said, “Isn’t the Party always like this?”
A large and tall police then said: “How come CCTV lied to us?” Since then I have not heard that large policeman say anything disrespectful about Falun Dafa.
This Dafa practitioner and her husband have now been forced to become homeless
and move from place to place to avoid being persecuted.
I began practicing Falun Gong in 1997, and my husband started in 1995. Since the beginning of the Jiang regime’s persecution of Falun Gong, my husband and I have been illegally arrested and detained 6 times.
She passed away at around 3:30 a.m. on January 2, 2003. At 7:00 a.m. the same day, officers from the Chang’an Plant police department forced her relatives to cremate her body.
The Wanjia Forced Labor Camp in the western suburbs of Harbin City directly reports to the Chinese Public Security Ministry. It is one of the locations currently being utilized by the Jiang regime to torture Falun Gong practitioners into recanting their belief.
When we left Wanjia, there were still over 300 Falun Gong practitioners illegally detained there. What is more worrisome is that Dafa practitioners who were detained in the mini-cells are still being tortured and their lives are in great danger.