Australia News

Australia News

MP Duncan Kerr writes to Immigration Minister regarding Mr&Mrs Wang

As I am sure you are aware, Falun Gong practitioners can face severe hardship and persecution in Chian and the couple would appreciate any steps you can take to allow them more time to lodge their appeal or alternatively that you consider their case on humanitarian grounds.

Victoria Falun Association Writes to Minister Mr Phillip Ruddock

We, Falun Dafa practitioners from Victoria, respectfully request your urgent attention to the plight of Mr. and Mrs. Wang who were near to being deported back to China yesterday in Sydney. Since they practice Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) they would face persecution for their practice.

Letter from NSW Falun Foxue Association to UK Minister for Lili Lin

We ask that you intercede to stop this deportation and to allow consideration of Ms Lin’s application for asylum. We trust you will find our request is clearly reasonable and one to which you can accede in good conscience once the ramifications are truly known to you.