
On Yin and Yang and Bearing Baby Boys and Girls

There was an elderly journalist at my former workplace. In his lifetime, he visited many places in China and got to know various aspects of society, different people and things, and he became very knowledgeable.

Reports of 10 More Deaths of Falun Gong Practitioners Emerge from China

(SFDI) As the Falun Gong death count continues its rapid ascent, ten more innocent practitioners have been confirmed dead in provinces all over China, largely due to physical and psychological torture inflicted in detention centres and labour camps. The current total of confirmed deaths now stands at 644.

Establishing Justice and Standing Up for Human Dignity (Photos)

Dafa practitioners of various nationalities are planning to file lawsuits during the coming days against the German states of Lower Saxonia, Brandenburg and Saxonia Proper. Their goal is to establish the facts of human rights violations against their persons during Jiang’s visit in April 2002 in the hope that these lawsuits will prevent such acts in the future.