
Participating in a Youth Festival

The festival was scheduled to begin at 2pm and last into the night. Amidst the sounds of heavy African beats the Falun Dafa stall sat still as the only store to receive a beam of sunlight, shining through the buildings of the urban surrounds.

My Encounter with Falun Dafa

I’m a Falun Dafa practitioner and have been practicing for over two years. I was born in Australia and bought up in the Jewish religion.

Torture Death of Eight More Dafa Practitioners from Jilin Province

On June 10, 1999, because of Jiang Zemin’s personal will and abuse of power, the “610 Office” was specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

Retaliation Against Ms. Wang Yuzhi’s Family for Her Righteous Actions Exposing the Jiang Regime’s Crimes (Photo)

Ms. Wang told reporters that Jiang’s regime arrested her family members because she narrated her experience of brutal persecution in China, and her participation in international lawsuits holding Jiang responsible for his crimes. Her family members are not Falun Gong practitioners. Jiang’s regime carries out a policy of “guilt by implication” to retaliate and persecute her family members.

Cover-ups, Torture, Brainwashing and Death: News of 14 More Falun Gong Dead from Police Atrocities in China

“The Chinese regime’s current cover-up of the SARS outbreak is sadly an indicator of a much larger problem,” “Since 1999, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the U.S. government and many other reputable sources have documented hundreds of deaths of Falun Gong practitioners in China from torture and other abuse, yet to this day, the Chinese regime maintains that not a single Falun Gong practitioner has died in custody from police torture or abuse.”

Only One Pathway

Yet, through my sadness I felt her strength and her gentle determination to express her deep compassion for us, and that she understood and respected our way of thinking and feeling. At that point, I understood the truth and my heart began to change.