
This Persecution is Not Just Happening “Over There”

From these and many other incidents we can see that this persecution is not just happening “over there”. A growing awareness and concern for this problem in our country could play a significant part in eliminating this wicked interference in the democratic lives of Australians.

The Gumnut Song

A few years ago in a land far away, As I walked through the bush on a hot summer’s day, There rose from some trees a glorious sound. I looked and I looked and at last I found, Hidden in the blossoms of an old gum tree, Tiny gumnut babies, so beautiful to see.

Time Asia: Unmasking A Crisis

This is the hospital ward China’s Ministry of Health doesn’t want you to see. There are more than 100 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) patients crammed into tiny rooms in the infectious diseases section of Beijing’s You’an Hospital.

Participating in a Youth Festival

The festival was scheduled to begin at 2pm and last into the night. Amidst the sounds of heavy African beats the Falun Dafa stall sat still as the only store to receive a beam of sunlight, shining through the buildings of the urban surrounds.