
Some Historical and Contemporary Examples of Jealousy

When I was in junior high school, there was a small, skinny girl in my class who always excelled in school. She aced every examination. A boy in my class happened to live next to me. He was extremely jealous of the girl, and frequently stirred up trouble for her.

College Campus Becomes Detention Center, Classmates Threatened with Denied Graduation

I am a female Falun Dafa practitioner who was going to college in 2000. In July of that year, I went to Tiananmen to appeal for Falun Gong by doing the peaceful sitting meditation. Police dragged me into a vehicle, sent me to the police station, detained me for three days in a detention center, and later locked me in the Beijing Liaison Office.

This Persecution is Not Just Happening “Over There”

From these and many other incidents we can see that this persecution is not just happening “over there”. A growing awareness and concern for this problem in our country could play a significant part in eliminating this wicked interference in the democratic lives of Australians.