
Petals of Peace at Viva La Gong(Photos)

Wollongong Viva La Gong festival is a celebration of the world of arts, culture and innovation. This year, the practitioners decided to take the “Petals of Peace Initiative” as the major theme at the stall to introduce Falun Dafa and the truth of the persecution to the people.

Bring Jiang to Justice Trial in University of New South Wales(Photos)

A group of Dafa disciples held a mock trial of the global Bring Jiang to Justice Lawsuit at the University of New South Wales. The purpose was to inform the students about the lawsuit and expose former head of the Chinese Communist Party, Jiang Zemin’s, crimes of torture, genocide and acts against humanity.

US Congresswoman Introduces Concurrent Resolution (H. CON. RES. 304)

Resolution 304 says that it is the sense of Congress that the Government of the People’s Republic of China should cease using the diplomatic missions in the United States to spread falsehoods about the nature of Falun Gong and release from detention all prisoners of conscience, including practitioners of Falun Gong.