(Minghui.org) Thirty years ago, in April 1995, the founder of Falun Dafa, Master Li, was invited to Sweden to give classes on the spiritual practice. He gave five lectures in Gothenburg and Stockholm followed by a seven-day lecture series in Gothenburg during Easter.

Falun Dafa soon spread widely in Sweden, and many people began practicing. Many practice sites throughout the country offer free lessons. Classes are taught online as well.

For the occasion of the upcoming 30th anniversary of Master Li’s visit, Dr. Wang, a Chinese medicine practitioner who invited him to Sweden, talked about how she began practicing Falun Dafa.

At the end of the introductory classes in April 1995, students gave Master Li flowers and souvenirs. Master smiled and waved goodbye to everyone before he left.
Master Li (left) showed students the souvenirs he received. Dr. Wang (centre) stood next to him and helped him receive the gifts.
Master Li corrects student’s movements during the classes in Gothenburg.


Searching for a Righteous Path

Dr. Wang wanted to be a doctor. She was also a qigong enthusiast and had always been interested in traditional Chinese culture. “I became a Chinese medicine practitioner after I graduated from the Beijing Chinese Medicine University in 1983. I moved to Sweden in the early 1990s and opened a Chinese medicine clinic in Gothenburg. I dreamed of becoming a doctor like Hua Tuo and saving people through treating their illnesses. I studied many schools of qigong and spent a lot of time and money,” she said.

“When I moved to Sweden, seven large boxes of my belongings were shipped from China. Most of them contained books on Chinese medicine and various qigong practices. Despite seeking teachers and a true way for many years, I could not find the right practice. Finally, in the summer of 1994, when I returned to China to visit family, the beautiful exercise music in Zhongshan Park in Beijing caught my attention and I found Falun Dafa. I tried the exercises on the spot and experienced unprecedented peace and tranquility. I had a strong desire to meet Master Li!

“I was extremely fortunate to attend Master’s lectures in Jinan, Shandong Province, in 1994, and felt as if I were reborn. The Fa taught by Master is what I’d been searching for all these years. I was moved by how profound the Fa principles are. I felt as if everything has to start from the beginning. I understood that in order to save people, I must first save myself. Only by following the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance taught by Dafa, and getting rid of my various attachments can I become a better person.”


Recalling Master’s Compassion and Dignity

After she returned to Sweden, Dr. Wang told everyone she knew how wonderful and extraordinary Dafa is. Many Swedish people interested in Asian culture were drawn to the spiritual practice. She had a thought then: “I should share such an amazing practice with kind, honest Swedish people.” When she learned Master was going to give classes in France in March 1995, she contacted the then head office in Beijing and invited Master to Sweden.

“I was ecstatic when I heard Master agreed to come to Sweden. I quickly told everyone I knew. However, when I recalled how thousands of people attended Master’s lectures in Jinan city, I was worried about the turnout as many people in Sweden went on holiday during the Easter break. In the end, unexpectedly, around 120 people turned up. Master’s upright demeanor, extraordinary determination and leading by example left a deep impression with Western and Chinese practitioners.”

Her memory was fresh as Dr. Wang recalled Master’s classes 30 years ago. “Wearing a suit, Master Li was tall and strong. He carried a box of instant noodles upon getting off the plane. He was not arrogant and was especially warm and easygoing. He always thought of others first.” Dr. Wang also recalled that Master was punctual and patient. He kept explaining concepts and used drawings so that Western practitioners could understand his teachings. He also patiently answered all kinds of questions raised by students and helped to correct their exercise movements. She witnessed Master’s compassion and how extraordinary Dafa is. She also realised how serious practicing cultivation is.

“Due to lack of manpower, I was a little impatient when I answered students’ questions. Afterwards, Master pointed out my shortcomings. I never forgot Master’s words. On another occasion, during a break in lectures, several Westerners gathered around a man who was talking. I could not hear what he was saying as it was noisy but Master knows everything. He asked me to stop him and soon the atmosphere became calm again. I previously followed other qigong teachers, but none of them were as unassuming and easygoing or kept such a low profile like Master Li did. I considered myself lucky to have found a true master at last.”


Practicing Cultivation Diligently So As Not to Let Master Down

As a veteran practitioner who has practiced Falun Dafa for more than 30 years, Dr. Wang said, “Master has been teaching the Fa on earth for 33 years, offering salvation to countless sentient beings. However he is still vilified by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Our Master always taught us never to regard anyone as enemies and to try and save those who are misled by the CCP’s lies. I know Master is extending the time to save sentient beings and giving practitioners the chance to establish our virtue. No words can express my gratitude.”

Dr. Wang said she’s grateful to Master for arranging her cultivation environment. “Whenever I see the changes in practitioners around me after they took up Falun Dafa and their deep understanding of the teachings, it inspires me not to slack off in cultivation. We faced the 25-year-long persecution of Falun Dafa by the CCP, we continue to tell people the facts about the persecution and protest the unjust treatment rationally and peacefully.

“This comes from our faith in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and Master. No matter how far the road ahead, I will continue to assist Master in Fa rectification with fellow practitioners, walk steadfastly on the final leg of my cultivation journey, and not let Master down!”