(Minghui.org) Practitioners participated in the Vietnamese Lunar New Year celebrations held January 31 and February 1 at Girrawheen, a northern suburb of Perth. They demonstrated the exercises and told people about Falun Dafa. Spectators applauded their dragon dances and waist drum performances.
Perth’s temperatures are warmest in late January and early February. The celebration started in the early evening, and many people came out to enjoy the festivities. Besides dragon and lion dances and fireworks, the crowds also enjoyed music, dancing, entertainment, and food while visiting various booths.

Many people said the words “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance” displayed in Chinese, Vietnamese, and English resonated with them. They were curious about the Falun Dafa exercises and asked about local practice sites.

When she noticed practitioners meditating, Isabel Mulenga came to the booth and said she was impressed by the peaceful environment and the positive energy. She was also interested in the description of Falun Dafa on the flyer.
She said that people need to be kind to one another even though it may not be easy and requires effort. She thanked practitioners for introducing Falun Dafa and said she believes that, by working together, people and society will improve.

Pamela and Gareth Simmons said they already knew about Falun Dafa, because a practitioner gave Pamela a pamphlet at an event years ago. Pamela said she was shocked to learn how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecutes practitioners. She signed a petition to oppose the brutality and then read more about it online.
They both thought the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance should be embraced by both the Chinese and people in other countries and that these values would help society as a whole. Pamela said Falun Dafa practitioners impressed her as being positive, happy, and energised. Gareth agreed.

Greg Kenny said he agreed with Falun Dafa’s principles. Our world “definitely needs the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. The CCP’s persecution is horrible,” he said.
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