(Minghui.org) The second Minghui summer camp in Japan was held August 19 to 22, 2024. Eight children from primary to high school and nine parents participated in the four-day, three-night camp. Through various classes and activities, studying the Falun Dafa teachings and doing the Dafa exercises, children experienced living by Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.
The camp was held at Kamogawa Youth House in Chiba Prefecture near the ocean. Besides doing the exercises and studying the teachings of Falun Dafa, the children played on the beach to their hearts’ content and enjoyed the beauty of nature.

The camp consisted of activities such as studying the Falun Dafa teachings, doing the exercises, watching movies and documentaries about Falun Dafa, swimming in the ocean, outdoor cooking and barbecuing, and fireworks displays.
Children also did chores such as making their beds, cleaning their rooms, starting the camp fire, cooking, and washing dishes. The objective of the camp was to strengthen Fa study, doing the exercises, and form good habit of doing things themselves.

On the first night, camp attendees watched a movie which documented the history of how Falun Dafa was introduced in China and how the persecution started. Children attentively watched the documentary and were surprised by the extent of the persecution.

Varied Camp Schedule
On the second day, camp attendees studied the Fa and did the exercises in the morning. They played on the beach in the afternoon. In the evening, they returned to the campsite to cook curry rice followed by setting off fireworks.
Since the older children cooked in the outside kitchen during last year’s summer camp, they were able to chop wood and start the fires without adult help this time. The girls cut vegetables and cooked the rice, while the boys chopped wood and started the fires. Guided by the instructors and parents, they prepared a delicious rice curry and everyone enjoyed it.
Learning to be Grateful While Doing Chores
After the wonderful dinner, the children cleaned up. While they were eager to chop the wood and start the fires, the children were reluctant to scrub pots and pans. In the end, they completed the tasks, guided and assisted by adults.
The teachers at the Minghui school took the opportunity to remind the children that such dirty, tiring chores are done by their mothers every day. It’s not that their mothers enjoy doing them, but because they love their families that they do them without complaint. One has to work hard to enjoy a delicious meal; cleaning up afterwards is tiresome. They gently reminded the kids that we should be grateful to our mothers for their hard work.
After working hard cleaning up, that night, the children were treated to fireworks. They were given hand-held sparklers and everyone had a great time. The balance of activities demonstrated that there is both joy and hardship in life and the teachers hoped to show the children that one cannot just choose to do only happy and fun things.

Rejuvenated After Doing the Exercises
On the third day, the children studied the Fa and did the exercises in the morning. As it was a full-on day the day before, everyone felt a little tired waking up in the morning. However, they said they felt rejuvenated after they did the exercises. In the afternoon, they again swam in the sea. In the evening, they returned to camp for an outdoor barbecue.
A Deeper Understanding of Cultivation
On the fourth day, which was also the last day, in the morning, the children watched the movie “Once We Were Divine.” Although some had already seen the movie, this time it was screened on a wide screen via a projector, similar to watching it in the cinema. It had great impact. The teachers explained the plot, which helped the children see the inner meanings, and they gained a deeper understanding of cultivation.
Some characters in the movie lost themselves while pursuing reputation and money; some were eliminated as a result of participating in the persecution of Falun Dafa. Others practiced Falun Dafa diligently and eliminated their jealousy and passed life and death tests with righteous thoughts. These good examples helped the children understand how to practice cultivation solidly.
After watching the movie, one child said, “Thank goodness I’m not lost in the big dye vat of society. I’m so lucky!” The children said they were determined to practice diligently after watching the movie.
Before leaving, the children cleaned the rooms and packed their own belongings and prepared to go home.
This year’s Minghui summer camp was a great success. The children said they felt they matured and had a better understanding of cultivation. Everyone looks forward to next year’s camp.
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