(Minghui.org) Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) practitioners and supporters gathered for a rally at Martin Place on July 18, 2024 to mark 25 years of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of the spiritual discipline.

In their speeches, politicians and community leaders praised Falun Gong practitioners for upholding freedom of belief and the courage and resilience in protesting the CCP’s brutal persecution through peaceful, rational means.

Practitioners did the exercises at Martin Place in the morning.


Calling on the Australia Government to Pass a Motion to Stop the CCP’s Forced Organ Harvesting Crimes

John Deller representing the Falun Dafa Association in Australia was the first speaker. He raised the question: “Falun Gong improved the health and moral character of hundreds of millions of Chinese people, why has it been persecuted for the past 25 years? What kind of government would persecute, torture and kill citizens who do good deeds?”

He went on to give several examples before concluding, “Only the Communist government. Totalitarian systems see the truth as a threat to their rule of lies. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said if everyone does not lie, Communism will end in the Soviet Union.

“The CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong is the most severe because Falun Gong revives traditional Chinese culture built on the foundation of the universal values of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance.

“Kind people in the whole world recognise the brave efforts by Falun Gong practitioners to protect those suffering in China. It also helps to protect everyone’s freedom and our common humanity.”

He ended his speech by calling on the Australia government to support Falun Gong in protesting the persecution: “On June 25 this year, the US House of Representatives passed the Falun Gong Protection Act.” He said that, “..in early July this year, Federal member Andrew Wallace submitted a motion to the Australia parliament. More voices of support from Australians will help the passing of a motion to end the persecution, stop organ harvesting, and release all detained practitioners.”

John Deller representing the Falun Dafa Association in Australia, spoke at the rally.

Senator David Shoebridge from NSW state said in his speech: “I think if there is one thing that can unite Australians, as a global citizen, this should unite us—that is, people should have the right to pursue their faith. They should have the right to follow their religion, and not be persecuted or detained.

“We know, shocking evidence has shown, Falun Gong adherents are sentenced, and their organs delivered to China’s illegal medical system. Our government should clearly oppose this. Now is the time to reflect on the brutal 25 years Falun Gong practitioners went through; Now is the time to reflect on whether our government has done enough to strengthen our laws ensuring no one obtains organs from China or engages in the immoral trading of organs.”

He told practitioners, “You have friends in Australia. They absolutely respect your right to follow your religion, faith, and conviction. Whether in Australia, China, or other places on earth, this should be a right that cannot be taken away.”

Senator David Shoebridge


Gratitude and Respect for Falun Gong Practitioners

UTS Professor and researcher on Chinese issues Feng Chongyi said, “I want to take this opportunity today to once again express my gratitude and respect for Falun Gong practitioners. Falun Dafa is a mind and body practice based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. Not only can it improve health, it also raises one’s moral standards. So why is the CCP persecuting these people? It is because it is an evil dictatorship that will not allow other faiths and different moral standards. The regime always viewed Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance as a threat to its rule. Fortunately, now many people realize the truth therefore the CCP has reached the end of the road.”

Professor Feng Chongyi from UTS

Cumberland City councilor Paul Garrard said, “Today, we gather here to commemorate Falun Gong practitioners who lost their lives in protesting the persecution. We must remember forever the huge sacrifices they made to uphold Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance.”

Cumberland City councilor Paul Garrard

Cumberland City councilor Helen Hughes praised practitioners for stepping out to fight for their faith and said, “it is remarkable.” She thought the protests against the persecution for 25 years is fighting for a more just, transparent Chinese society and system for everyone. “If you heard the appeals of Falun Gong practitioners today, please read their petition and sign it. This way, the Federal government in Australia can better represent the public in calling on the CCP to stop the persecution of Falun Gong.”

Cumberland City councilor Helen Hughes

The General Manager of Australian Tradition, Family, Property, Paul Folley, said, “Your perseverance, your brave resistance to Communism and the CCP in China have awakened people’s conscience globally. They finally realise what is happening—this is a spiritual fight with evil. We must continue this battle. Day after day, week after week, we must ask our leaders, media and people in the business sector to contribute their conscience, don’t collude with those who are committing crimes against humanity. It is not enough to say, but not put into practice—actions speak louder than words.

“We must censure the CCP, put pressure on it. Australia has enough bargaining chips to pressure China through economy, diplomatic and other ways so that Chinese citizens have human rights and freedom.

“Thank you God, we have freedom. But it is a gift. We must protect it carefully, it is a gift we can lose. This is one of the risks that we face. If we don’t stand up to oppose totalitarian, corrupt, and unjust political power, such as the CCP, we ourselves will erode our self integrity and judgment of right and wrong. Ultimately, we will erode our own freedom. This is precisely what the CCP is doing.”

He concluded his speech by expressing support for the persecuted families in China: “We understand their difficult circumstances and suffering. We stand with them today. We will forever support them until they and everyone in China gain freedom.”

CEO Paul Folley

Practitioners held a candlelight vigil in the evening to commemorate those who died in the persecution.


Together, We Can End This Persecution

Several guests also censured the CCP in their speeches at the rally. Two Falun Gong practitioners described how they were brutally persecuted in China.

Letters of support from people of different occupations and organisations were read at the end of the rally.

Penrith City councilor Kevin Crameri OAM wrote in his letter: “For 25 years, Falun Gong adherents in China continuously uphold their fight of belief peacefully, follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, these values struck a deep chord with people in the world and displayed humanity’s best spirit and moral values.

“Despite facing severe persecution, Falun Gong practitioners in China continue to risk their lives, helping hundreds of millions of compatriots to understand the benefits of Falun Dafa and the evil nature of the CCP.”

The CEO of the Australia-Hong Kong company Connex, Ruth Cheuk, said in her letter: “Today, we unite, not as an individual but as a group with Falun Gong practitioners. For 25 years, these brave spirits faced merciless persecution, yet their conviction in Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance never wavered. These values transcend nations and touched the hearts of everyone in the world.

“Speaking out for Falun Gong practitioners breaks the silence surrounding this persecution. Our united voices can pierce through the darkness set by the CCP, expose the terror, and hold the regime responsible for the actions that severely violate humanity.

Her letter concluded, “Together, we can end this persecution.”

Barrister, law lecturer in Australia Sophie York said in her letter of support: “The government should protect its citizens’ basic human rights.

“When a government orders, condones or participates in persecuting its people, anyone, any group, it is the crime of endangering humanity.

“Please never give up! Justice will prevail. When we look at history, it is always so! Kind people, reject inhuman treatment of fellow humans.

“May God protect all Falun Gong practitioners. Please know, you are always in our hearts, our minds, and prayers.”

People sign the petition to call for an end to the persecution.