(Minghui.org) Practitioners were invited to participate in the Environment Festival organised by Kadıköy Municipality on June 1 and 2, 2024. They introduced Falun Dafa and demonstrated the exercises.

Ms. Eda is a breathing therapist and said, “I saw Falun Dafa on the festival page so I came. During the exercises, I felt the flow and opening of my meridian points. It was effective and beautiful. I am sorry to hear about the persecution in China.”

Ms. Naz who is a Family Constellation and Regression trainer said, “While doing the exercises, I felt both the energy field and the movement in my body. It felt good. I think it is a very effective practice both spiritually and physically. I will be following it.” Regarding the persecution of practitioners in China, she said, “I think they have suffered the injustice that many ancient spiritual paths have suffered. I hope they regain their freedom soon.”
Ms. Dilek who works at a school said, “This meditation is very good, and I feel purified and healed. I immediately felt the energy. It was very beautiful, and I recommend people experience it.”
Ms. Demet said, “I tried yoga before. Yoga requires stretching and this was difficult for me. But when I was doing Falun Dafa exercises, I didn’t struggle to do the movements at all. It seems to allow the whole body to breathe. I’m very happy now. I’m going to follow it.”
Mrs. Nurcan, a 60-year-old retired teacher, said, “Your event attracted my attention. This was the first time I did the Falun Dafa meditation and it was wonderful. I feel Falun Dafa is good for both my soul and my body. I feel relaxed. Thank you very much.”

Ms. Mukadder who is a lawyer, said she practiced Falun Dafa in 2007. Her eyes filled with tears and she told practitioners, “During the time I practiced Falun Dafa, wonderful doors opened for me. I experienced so many good things in my life, it was very good for me. Even though I don’t practice Falun Dafa now, it’s still very special for me. It is the highest of all teachings.”
A practitioner reminded her that this encounter could not have been a coincidence. Ms. Mukadder called her friends over and invited them to talk to practitioners. She hugged practitioners tightly when she left.
A practitioner distributed brochures to all the booths at the festival. Many people read them right away and thanked her.
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