(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners participated in the popular Adana Orange Blossom Festival on April 17-21, 2024 in Adana, one of Turkey’s largest cities. They also celebrated World Falun Dafa Day, which was coming up in May.

Approximately 1.5-2 million people from across Turkey attend the Adana Orange Blossom Festival, which draws the largest number of attendees of any festival in Turkey.

Practitioners were invited to demonstrate the exercises on the festival’s stages. They also performed the lotus dance and participated in a parade.

During the festival, Falun Dafa practitioners were provided with a free stand by the Adana City municipality in Central Park where the festival was held. They demonstrated the exercises and told people about Falun Dafa and the 25-year-long persecution in China.

Police officers learned the exercises.


Turkish People Are Interested in Learning the Falun Dafa Exercises 

Fatma is 26 years old and works as a preschool teacher. After she tried the exercises, she said, “It was very relaxing, it was like I was in a different place. It felt like I was in nature. I felt inner peace. I felt a light inside me.”

Preschool teacher Fatma said she felt inner peace and light after doing the exercise

Belinay, who is a pharmacy student, also wanted to learn the exercises. Afterwards she said, “I feel great. There was something negative inside me for a long time and I’m trying to get it together psychologically so this felt really good. I believe that I got rid of all the negative things inside me, everything that I didn’t feel good about, and now I feel everything is very positive.”

Pharmacy student Belinay felt that all the negative things inside her were eradicated after she tried the exercises.

Nesibe, a 12-year-old student, did the first and second exercises. “I was very stressed just now because something I didn’t want happened, and after doing the exercises, I felt relieved. It felt good. I feel peaceful. The stress is gone,” she said.

Nesibe said she felt peaceful after she did the exercises.

Ms. Sevil, a retired banker, came from Istanbul for the festival. After she did the fourth exercise she said, “I walked in this heat and I was tired, but after I did the exercise I feel refreshed. Thank you very much. I’m glad I met you,” she said.

Sevil, a retired banker said she felt refreshed after doing the exercises.

A couple took a leaflet distributed by practitioners and read how practitioners in China are tortured. They asked a practitioner about it and were shocked to hear that Falun Dafa practitioners are persecuted by the Chinese regime. They said the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] is very cruel.

As part of the festival, practitioners were invited to demonstrate the Falun Dafa exercise on stage. They also performed the Lotus Flower Dance.

Practitioners demonstrate the exercises on stage.


Turkish News Program Broadcast the Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Cortege/Float Parade 

Practitioners also took part in the hour-long parade. They had two floats: In one practitioners wore Lotus fairy costumes and on the other float they did the Falun Gong exercises. The parade attracted many spectators, and thousands of brochures were distributed along the route.

Thousands of people watched the Adana Orange Blossom Festival parade.
Practitioners distributed brochures along the parade route

Turkey’s main TV channels filmed the parade. The footage of practitioners was broadcast on news channels such as Star TV and Show TV.

A screenshot of practitioners from one of Turkey’s major news channels

During the event, practitioners celebrated World Falun Dafa Day, which is on May 13, and wished their founder, Master Li Hongzhi, a happy birthday.

Practitioners celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and wish Master a happy birthday.