(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners from Israel gathered at Yarkon Park in Tel Aviv on Saturday, May 11, 2024, to celebrate the 25th World Falun Dafa Day. At the same time they wanted to wish Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, happy birthday.

The park was bustling that morning with children riding scooters, parents accompanying their kids, young adults cycling, seniors strolling hand in hand, and families sitting on the grass beneath the trees, relaxing for a while.

The event lasted from morning to noon. Practitioners hoped to inform people about Falun Dafa. The event also wanted to introduce to the attendees the five exercises of the cultivation practice, in the hopes that they could experience its benefits. The event drew a big crowd, with attendees gathering around a table to pick up brochures and origami lotus flowers. They lingered for an extended period to observe the practitioners and take photos, The attendees also held lengthy conversations with the practitioners.

The practitioners told passersby about Falun Dafa, as well as the ongoing brutal persecution and organ harvesting faced by Falun Dafa practitioners in China. This atrocity has been going on for over 25 years.

The ongoing war in Israel has been a shocking experience for everyone, leading to significant changes in daily life. Israelis are more eager to have a calm and healthy mind. Some expressed that the principles of Falun Dafa – Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance – resonated deeply with them.

Practitioners from Israel gathered at Yarkon Park in Tel Aviv on Saturday, May 11, 2024, to celebrate the 25th World Falun Dafa Day.


Introducing Falun Dafa During the Event

Individuals who were interested came as a group to receive instruction regarding the exercise movements from practitioners. One practitioner said, “We found that in-person instruction for learning the exercises is more helpful. When Dafa disciples teach the exercises, a personal bond is established, allowing participants to inquire not only about the movements, but also about the method and the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.”

Resident Boaz said, “I’ve heard about Falun Dafa in theory, understanding it as a practice that upholds traditional Chinese values. I know it emphasises Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance, which are essential values for the world. Today marks my first in-person encounter with the practitioners and their practice.”

Hedva from Hod HaSharon expressed her excitement at meeting the practitioners. “A whole new world has opened up for me! It’s incredible. I am happy to see that there are people who prioritize caring for the world and are not driven by financial gain – It’s truly something special,” she said.


Following the Situation in China for Many Years

She also mentioned that she had heard about Falun Dafa a long time ago and was deeply affected by the history and persecution in China. She has been following the situation in China for many years. She emphasised the importance of mental preparation for practicing Falun Dafa, as it requires a peaceful and calm mindset. However, she believes that once she makes the decision to commit to the practice, she will be able to persevere.

Chaya, who attended the event, mentioned that she became aware of the persecution of Falun Dafa around the year 2000 when it first began, and it was a topic of frequent discussion in Israel.

“I’m basically an optimistic individual,” she said. “But currently, amidst the war, I have completely lost my sense of optimism, like many others who are consumed by worry.”

She also admired the practitioners’ dedication to their faith, and says that it is similar to her own beliefs. “I believe that at the core of everything lies a question of faith,” said Chaya. “I have faith in a higher power and in individuals who possess a strong sense of moral direction. I am convinced that there exists a force greater than ourselves, which guides me and gives me the strength to carry on.”

Chaya admires the practitioners.


“Compassion Has the Power to Transform the World”

Lilian, from Ramat Gan, was drawn to the event after seeing a practitioner’s yellow Falun Dafa T-shirt. “During my morning walk, I came across a person wearing a striking yellow shirt with Chinese characters printed on it. I attempted to read the inscription, but the individual had a bag covering the text. I politely asked for her permission to move the bag so that I could read it,” she said.

She was very moved by the three principles of the practice written on the T-shirt, especially compassion. “Falun Dafa has many benefits. In Israel, I wish we had more Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. I find it challenging to be open to opinions that differ from my own. However, I believe that compassion has the power to transform the world. It involves recognising the humanity in our perceived enemies and understanding that they experience suffering just like we do. Without compassion, humanity loses its essence,” said Lilian.

At the event, Lilian found out about the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners and heard about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) forced organ harvesting. The Chinese regime opposes the values of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, while Falun Gong practitioners uphold the tradition of believing in the divine, being morally upright, and living by values that the Chinese regime does not support.

“Falun Dafa offers a direction that is relevant to people from diverse backgrounds and transcends national boundaries, language barriers, and ethnic distinctions. Its inclusivity and positive impact make it a valuable contribution to the world,” she said.

Lilian, from Ramat Gan, was drawn to the event after seeing a practitioner wearing a yellow Falun Dafa T-shirt.