(Minghui.org) Sri Lankan Falun Dafa practitioners celebrated World Falun Dafa Day at Hotel Silvage in Kurunegala on May 12, 2004. Earlier in the day, they introduced the practice to the general public at Lake Round in Kurunegala.

Practitioners demonstrate the Falun Dafa exercises at Lake Round in Kurunegala.


Demonstrating the Exercises at Lake Round

In the morning, practitioners did the Falun Dafa’s five sets of exercises along a jogging path near Lake Round. They’ve gathered there to meditate on Sunday mornings for over a decade.

Practitioners hung up banners and played introductory videos on a big screen to educate the public. They taught the exercises to several passersby. After learning the exercises, some of the people said that they would join the group practice on Sunday mornings going forward.

The practitioners distributed fliers to passersby.
A man checks the Falun Dafa website after talking with a practitioner.
People stopped by to learn more about Falun Dafa and try out the exercises.

Edward Lunupola, a retired cement corporation officer, believes that people need to exercise, but, unfortunately, most elderly people are addicted to medicine. He mentioned that his wife takes a lot of medicine. He believes that if people exercise they can become healthy and reduce their reliance on drugs. To him, the Falun Dafa exercises are suitable for all ages, and he said he’d return to practice more in the future.

Edward Lunupola, a retired cement corporation officer, learns the exercises of Falun Dafa.

Mr. Eranga, a naval officer, said that people need to exercise just as much as they need food to survive. He said that he and his family always go to the park to exercise, but it was the first time he saw the practitioners there.

He also said that when he was in China for his military training many years ago, he saw lots of people there doing the Falun Dafa exercises. He brought his wife, son, and daughter to learn the practice as well. “This is a very good practice and we [shall] all learn this practice together,” he said. He promised to join the practitioners at the exercise site in the future.

Mr. Eranga and his family try out the Falun Dafa exercises.

After practicing the exercises at the lake, all the practitioners went to Hotel Silvage to continue their World Falun Dafa Day events. They studied the teachings of Falun Dafa together and shared their recent cultivation experiences. Finally, they ended the day by wishing Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of the practice, a happy birthday and a happy World Falun Dafa Day.