(Minghui.org) World Falun Dafa Day is celebrated around the world each year on May 13. Elected officials in Argentina jointly sent a letter and video messages to Falun Dafa practitioners, in which they commended Falun Dafa’s principles and practitioners’ efforts to improve Argentinian society. May 13 is the 32nd anniversary of Falun Dafa’s public introduction and also the 25th World Falun Dafa Day.
Argentina is located at the southern tip of South America in the Southern Hemisphere. Argentina borders Bolivia and Paraguay to the North, Brazil and Uruguay to the East, and Chile to the west. Although many thousands of miles separate Argentina from China and the Western world in the Northern Hemisphere, Falun Dafa is known and respected among members of Congress and other elected officials in Argentina.
World Falun Dafa Day celebrates Falun Dafa’s introduction and its positive impact on the health and morality of millions around the world. The occasion also highlights practitioners’ efforts to uphold their freedom of belief in the face of brutal persecution by the Chinese communist regime. May 13th marks both the anniversary of Falun Dafa’s public introduction and the birthday of its founder, Mr. Li Hongzhi.
Congratulations on the Spreading of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance
The congratulatory letter is co-signed by 12 elected officials, including 7 members and former members of the Congress of the Argentine Nation, 2 members of the Buenos Aires Legislature, and elected officials from the Provinces of Tucumán and Misiones.
The letter states, “On the occasion of the 25th annual celebration and the 32nd anniversary of the public introduction of Falun Dafa, I express my greetings and congratulations on the spreading of the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.
“I welcome the fact that Falun Dafa, an ancient spiritual discipline of the Buddha School rooted in traditional Chinese culture, is practiced by millions of people around the world, contributing to a healthier and more harmonious society.
“I also note the efforts of Falun Dafa practitioners to raise their moral standards by living according to the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, while experiencing remarkable health benefits through exercises and meditation.
“The teachings of Falun Dafa impart the idea that when the heart is pure, the mind balanced, and the body vigorous, health and happiness are a natural result. That is why people who practice this spiritual discipline strive to leave behind addictions and bad habits, and families seek to live together in peace; at the same time, they invite the community at large to embrace what is virtuous.
“It is noteworthy that, during these difficult times, Falun Dafa practitioners throughout Argentina organise free activities for the community, on a voluntary basis, such as teaching the 5 exercises outdoors and organising online workshops, as well as different cultural activities.
“Considering that Falun Dafa was introduced in China by its honorable founder, Mr. Li Hongzhi, on May 13, 1992 and has been celebrated annually since 1999, I join in the celebrations for this year’s anniversary.”

MPs and Councilman Film Video Greetings to Express Respect and Best Wishes to Master Li Hongzhi
Four Members of Congress and one councilman sent their filmed video greetings to honor Master Li Hongzhi and the spreading of Falun Dafa.
Congresswoman Mónica Frade said, “This 13th of May, which is the birthday, the birth anniversary of the founder of Falun Dafa, Master Li Hongzhi. I send my salutation, my admiration for this discipline that has been born from His hand since 1992. Continue to move forward, continue in this practice that without doubt imparts many benefits at the spiritual and physical level. My greetings to all the practitioners in Argentina, and around the world.”
Congressman Rubén Manzi (MC) said, “Greetings to all Falun Dafa practitioners. Happy Birthday to Master Li Hongzhi. We have many testimonies of the perseverance of Falun Dafa practitioners in defending their faith in God. My adherence and respect to the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. Peace and goodness to all of you.”
Congressman Juan Manuel Pedrini said, “On this day I greet all Falun Dafa practitioners. My best regards to Master Li and my gratitude to him for spreading in our homeland Argentina, the values of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.”
Congresswoman María Fernanda Araujo said, “On the occasion of the 32 nd anniversary of the public introduction of Falun Dafa, I express my greetings and congratulations for the dissemination of the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, and join in the celebrations for this new anniversary.”
Councilman Benjamín Terraf, Tucumán Province, said, “For this May 13th, I send my warmest regards to all Falun Dafa practitioners, especially to those practitioners in the city of Tafi Viejo, my neighbors. And to continue with perseverance and faith in God every day to come. A big embrace to all of you.”
Director of Ceremonial and Public Relations Celebrates World Falun Dafa Day
Practitioners in Argentina received a salutation letter from Francisco Sebastían Rolón, director of Ceremonial and Public Relations, from Posadas, the capital city Misiones Province in the North of Argentina, which borders the countries of Brazil and Paraguay, and harbors majestic Iguazú Falls, one of the seven Natural World Wonders.
Sebastián Rolón first came into contact with Falun Dafa in 2014, when he was director of the Multicultural Center of Misiones, which hosted the Zhen Shan Ren International Art Exhibition. Upon seeing the beauty and experiencing the profound messages of the paintings, he was deeply touched and put all his efforts into making the exhibition successful, including acquiring sponsorship. From that moment on, Mr. Rolón has collaborated with Falun Dafa practitioners, inviting them to teach the Falun Dafa exercises in the Multicultural Center and to participate in the Misiones Book Fair. He has also read Falun Dafa’s main book, Zhuan Falun.

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