(Minghui.org) The Global Service Centre for Quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) proposed designating July 1st “Quit the CCP Day” and the month of July “Quit the CCP Month.” Around July 1, 2023, officials in several counties and cities in Long Island, New York, sent congratulatory letters and citations to the Global Service Centre for Quitting the CCP for its work in helping people to withdraw from the CCP organisations for 18 years. To date, 416 million Chinese around the world have quit the CCP and its affiliated organisations.
In New York State Assemblyman Jarett C. Gandolfo’s citation, he wrote, “The global Service Centre for Quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was established in the United States in 2004. It coordinates the global movement to help Chinese people quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations and helps educate people around the world as to the criminal nature of Communism. Chinese people have lived through decades of mind control, brainwashing, and terror under the CCP. In Communist China, from childhood to middle school, high school, and university, a Chinese person may have joined and pledged allegiance to one or more of Chinese Communist youth organisations, otherwise one may find oneself at risk of being excluded from the mainstream society. When they do they take this oath, it is not to China, but to the CCP.
“Quitting the CCP refers to separating oneself from the CCP by taking back the oaths one has made to the CCP throughout one’s life. For the last eighteen years, hundreds of thousands of its volunteers, both in China and overseas, have distributed the Nine Commentaries and helped the Chinese people renounce the CCP. This movement has reached a grand milestone – 400 million Chinese people have quit the CCP. It has been one of the most peaceful and important initiatives in human civilisation. There is a growing awareness of the CCP’s imminent threat to the world, the international community has realised the importance of stopping the tyranny of communist China and ending the CCP’s global threat.”

The Nassau County Legislature proclamation reads: “The Tuidang movement, an emerging non-violent movement in China that encourages Chinese citizens to renounce their ties to and withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), is celebrating its 18th anniversary.
“Over 400 million Chinese people have quit the CCP and have renounced communist party organisations. The declarations’ authors range from rural farmers to prominent intellectuals, school teachers to retired military personnel, human rights lawyers to plainclothes police.
“The Tuidang movement will have laid an essential foundation for greater openness and freedom by reinforcing the commitment of tens of millions of Chinese to honesty, fairness, and compassion in daily life.”

Background: The Nine Commentaries Leads to the Worldwide Movement to Quit the CCP Organisations
The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, published in November 2004, sparked a global wave to quit the CCP. In 2005, the Global Service Centre for Quitting the Chinese Communist Party, headquartered in New York, was established. The Service Centre for Quitting the CCP designated July 1, the day the CCP was founded, as “Quit the CCP Day” for Chinese people and July as “Quit the CCP Month” to encourage more Chinese people to recognise the true nature of the CCP and withdraw from it.
In 2005, the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party won one of the highest awards in the online reporting category issued by the Asian American Journalists Association. The book has been translated into 27 languages and is widely read around the world.
In March 2005, Xin Haonian, a Chinese historian living in the United States, published “Two Views, Four Reflections” on the Nine Commentaries. In January 2015, Xin said that the development of China in the past ten years has proved that the contents of the Nine Commentaries are correct. “The book exposes the CCP’s crimes and tells people that the Party must be eradicated, because as long as it is not eradicated for a day, China will have no tomorrow, and the Chinese people will have no tomorrow.”
As of July 31, 2023, the number of people who have withdrawn from the CCP and its affiliated organisations has reached 416 million.
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