(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioners in Paris held activities in Châtelet in the 1st Arrondissement and Alésia in the 14th Arrondissement on Saturday, May 27, and Sunday, May 28, 2023. They demonstrated the exercises and raised awareness of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong in China. Their activities attracted many passersby.

The sunny weekend meant that many pedestrians filled the streets. People stopped to look at the display boards and talk to practitioners after seeing them doing the exercises and meditating peacefully. Many people signed the petition to support Falun Gong practitioners’ efforts to end the persecution.

Bruno, who is from Nice, is a TV editor. He talked with a practitioner for a long time. He was shocked to learn that Falun Gong practitioners are persecuted and even have their organs harvested for practicing Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in China.
“This kind of thing happened in China and no one mentioned it—we didn’t know about it at all,” he said. “It’s horrible. No matter which regime, which person, or which system, it is not allowed to harm one’s own people or neighbors. Human beings cannot persecute human beings.
“The persecution is incomprehensible. It is because those in power are afraid of losing their power and fear that the people are waking up. The Chinese people seem to be asleep. It is the government that has concealed the truth from them,” said Bruno.
He believes that practicing Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance can open people’s hearts and horizons. He said that it was great to see Falun Gong practitioners stand up for their beliefs and share them.

Graphic designer Amélie Pinau was in Chatelet when she saw practitioners demonstrating the exercises. “Falun Gong seems to be soothing,” she said. She was curious, so she asked about Falun Gong. She appreciated the practitioners’ courage and encouraged them to continue to let people know the truth about the persecution.
“You are doing a good job here. It is very meaningful to introduce Falun Dafa to people. We really need it,” she said.

Isaac Illouz lives not far from where Falun Gong practitioners were holding their activity, had seen their activities there many times, and liked them. “Keep going like this. Way to go,” he said.
Meunier, who is of Vietnamese descent, has seen Falun Gong activities several times in Alesia. She said that doing the exercises can improve a person’s physical and mental health. She had bought Dafa books and said she was preparing herself mentally before starting to do the exercises.

Chinese version available
Paris, France: Introducing Falun Dafa at Major Neighborhood Festivals