(Minghui.org) After holding classes online for two years due to pandemic restrictions, many Indonesian schools resumed in-person teaching in July or August this year. Practitioners in Batam took this opportunity to introduce Falun Dafa to thousands of students and teachers during the past several weeks.
Practitioners were invited to visit four schools in the region beginning in July, and told teachers and students about Falun Dafa. On July 21 they visited SMK Negeri 7 (or SMKN 7), a vocational high school and introduced the practice to about 1,000 students and teachers.
One week later, another 1,000 students in SMKN 2 participated in a similar event and many teachers, including the vice principal, attended. The third session on August 11 at SMPN 43 attracted about 700 students and teachers. Another session two days later at SMAN 3 was also attended by 1,000 students and teachers.

At every event, practitioners first explained what Falun Dafa is, along with the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Before they demonstrated the exercises they mentioned websites such as falundafa.org and learnfalundafa.org as well as information on group practice sites.
Sahir, principal of SMPN 43, specifically thanked practitioners for introducing Falun Dafa to the students and teachers, and said the practice is beneficial for both students and teachers. Ernita, vice principal of the school, also welcomed practitioners and said that practicing Falun Dafa improves one’s mind and body. She said the practice made her feel refreshed and energetic.
Gerhana Pramudia, an eighth-grade student, was excited to learn the exercises, and said he felt peaceful and calm afterward.
Ahmad, an eleventh-grade teacher from SMAN 3, agreed. “The exercises made me feel relaxed and my mind is clear,” he added.
This was the first time most students had heard about Falun Dafa or did the exercises. One student said, “This opens a new door for us towards health, serenity, and happiness.”

Background: What Is Falun Dafa?
Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) was first introduced to the public by Mr. Li Hongzhi in Changchun, China, in 1992. The spiritual discipline is now practiced in over 100 countries and regions worldwide. Millions of people who have embraced the teachings, which are based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, and have learned the five exercises, have experienced improved health and well-being.
Chinese version available
Batam, Indonesia: Falun Dafa Embraced by Students and Teachers on Campuses