(Minghui.org) With the year 2022 around the corner, Swedish Falun Dafa practitioner Filip wished to send his most sincere greetings and gratitude to the founder of Falun Dafa, Mr. Li Hongzhi. “Thank you, Master! Happy New Year!” he said.
Filip 30, lives with his wife in his hometown, Finspång, in the south of Sweden. He is an equipment technician at a local large-scale energy company. He is big and tall and friendly. He is very popular among his family and friends. They all know that he practices and that Falun Dafa helped him get rid of the pain and troubles that plagued him for years. He now has a new lease on life.
Filip explained that life wasn’t always so smooth. “The year 2014 was a turning point in my life. The bad experiences that I went through caused my body to be in very bad shape. I was plagued with illnesses and my spirits were really low. I felt as though my life was about to end. Through studying the miracle book Zhuan Falun I finally understood the true purpose of life. I feel honored and fortunate to practice Falun Dafa!”
The Uncertainties of Life
The youngest of three children, Filip was born into a happy family. His parents and siblings doted on him. Filip’s mother is a Christian who always pursued spirituality, so the bookshelves in his family home were filled with all sorts of books about how to improve oneself. Influenced by his mother, his young mind was filled with imagination and curiosity about nature and the universe.
When Filip was three years old, he and his mother were involved in an accident. Filip fractured a leg and was hospitalised for six weeks while his mother suffered severe whiplash. Due to the complications from the injury, she retired early.
“Watching my mother in pain made me feel very sad. After my parents divorced, my stepmother’s indifferent attitude greatly impacted my physical and psychological state,” Filip said. “I was only 12 years old when I had a taste of the uncertainties in life. I often asked myself: ‘Why do people have to live in such hardship?’
“To take my mind off my troubles I became addicted to computer games. The more I played, the more addicted I was. I sought to escape reality and get away from the grief, indignation, and helplessness I felt. I finally stopped interacting with anyone. I had no interest in what was happening in the world outside,” Filip recalled.
He played so much that his spine became deformed and his back and neck ached. Not only did this affect his studies, but his body could not take it. However, he just could not stop himself from playing the games.

Searching in Vain
When Filip was 19 years old, he suddenly realised how serious his game addiction had become. “I was just wasting my life. I knew I must change my situation,” he said. He moved out of the house. He either threw away his favorite games or gave them to others. He thought that this would help him focus on seeking the true purpose of life and find the truth about the universe.
Full of interest and anticipation, Filip went from one class to another and spent quite a lot of money. He sought out the so-called qigong masters and bought many books and DVDs on psychology.
However, despite continuously searching, Filip not only gained nothing, he even caused his body to be in a big mess. What is worse is that he even attracted many low spirits and entity attachments without him knowing it.
Things Take a Turn
In the blink of an eye, it was 2013. Filip who was over 20 years old, was depressed and his physical condition kept declining. He felt that he had almost reached his mental limit. He said, “I was plagued with myocarditis, folliculitis, collapsed lung, and exhaustion. The pain from the backaches and neck aches that were caused by the hours of gaming was still there. I felt as though I may just stop breathing any time. I could no longer go to work so I took a medical leave and stayed home. For a very long time I did not know how much longer I could survive.”
Just when things couldn’t seem to get worse, seemingly by accident he met a Falun Dafa practitioner. He even managed to get a copy of Zhuan Falun. Through reading the book, Filip had a further understanding of Dafa and felt that it is very good. After he began practicing Falun Dafa, Filip’s life took a 180-degree turn.
“I deeply believe that everything was arranged by Master. Master pulled me back from the depths of despair. Not only has he taught me how to be a person based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, but he also protected me,” Filip said. “The more I read Zhuan Falun, the more I wanted to read it. I was able to find the answers to all the questions that I had about life in that book. Through reading the book, I understood what is truly good and what is truly bad. I cleared away all those bad things in my house. I even got rid of my bad addictions such as my addiction towards alcohol and playing computer games.”
Filip felt very lucky to be able to obtain Dafa. Under the guidance of Master and Dafa, he went back onto the right path and started his new lease on life.

Master Is By My Side
Filip said that since childhood, he was so afraid of the dark and ghosts that he had trouble falling asleep. “One night, all sorts of scary faces suddenly appeared before my eyes. This time I was not afraid. I just remembered Master. I kept begging Master in my heart to save me and I also kept reciting the nine words (Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good). Those scary things soon disappeared.” Filip truly felt that Master was right by his side so he had courage.
Filip said that studying the book plus practicing the exercises restored his health. “My body felt light when I walked and I felt like I was floating when I ran. Now I feel energetic and my spirits are high. This is totally different from how I felt in the past. I know that it is the result of Master helping me to cleanse my body and taking away the bad stuff that I used to have. I realised that I do not need to visit doctors nor do I need to visit therapists anymore.”
Relatives and Friends Witnessed the Goodness of Dafa
Not long after cultivating, he began practicing Falun Dafa, Filip’s work and life returned to normal. His life is full of light and hope. Before long, he also found his lifetime partner. His wife is a good and kind person who supports him greatly in his cultivation in Dafa. She even helps to spread the truth to others.
Not only his wife, but Filip’s family, relatives, friends and colleagues all personally witnessed the amazing changes in him. Everyone was sincerely happy for him and are also in awe of Dafa’s miraculous effects and goodness.
Filip’s mother and brother originally mistakenly believed the propaganda the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) spread about Dafa. Now they understood that they were deceived by the CCP’s lies. Filip’s mother witnessed her son change and become calm and steady, full of good spirit and brimming with good health. She’s very happy.
His brother is especially happy to see Filip’s positive changes. He fully agrees with Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. Filip’s sister and her boyfriend not only support him in his practicing Falun Dafa, but they signed the petition to show their support to Falun Dafa practitioners’ efforts to end the CCP’s persecution.
At work, Filip reminds himself to look within when he encounters conflicts. He now listens to others, thinks of others before himself. His boss complimented him saying that after he began practicing Falun Dafa, he became more mature. His boss also said, “Falun Dafa is a belief, everyone has the right to practice it.”
“I truly experienced Falun Dafa’s miraculous power and Master’s compassionate protection. Dafa gave me boundless energy and wisdom and helped me to gain an all-around improvement both physically and mentally. No words can fully describe my endless gratitude towards Master and Dafa.”
Filip also said that in the new year ahead, he will practice Falun Dafa more diligently so that he can save more people and help them understand the truth so that they can distance themselves from the CCP. He hoped that all the kind people in the world will remember that “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!”
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