Aug. 23, 2021
Sanctioning human rights abusers has become a consensus among democratic countries. After the U.S. passed the Magnitsky Act in 2016, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the 27-member-country EU enacted similar laws. Austria and Japan are working on the same.
In accordance with these laws, Falun Gong practitioners have compiled lists of perpetrators involved in the persecution of Falun Gong. Every year they submit several lists to democratic governments, urging them to sanction the named perpetrators.
Starting on July 14, 2021, Falun Gong practitioners in more than 30 countries are submitting the latest list of perpetrators involved in the persecution of Falun Gong to their respective governments, demanding sanctions against these human rights abusers, including denying entry into their countries and freezing their assets overseas.
Three names on this list are Luo Lili, Mao Xin, Liao Qunfang.
Perpetrator Information
Full Name of Perpetrator:
Luo (last name) Lili (first name) (Chinese: 骆利丽)
- Gender: Female
- Country: China
- Date/year of Birth: N/A
- Place of Birth: N/A
Title or Position:
- Before 2016: Deputy Director of the Prison Administration Department of Sichuan Women’s Prison
- 2010 – 2016: Deputy Director of Sichuan Women’s Prison
- 2016 – Present: Party Secretary and Warden of Chengdu Women’s Prison in Sichuan Province
Full Name of Perpetrator:
Mao (last name) Xin (first name) (Chinese: 毛新)
- Gender: Female
- Country: China
- Date/year of Birth: N/A
- Place of Birth: N/A
Title or Position:
- 2013 – 2016: Warden of Chengdu Women’s Prison of City in Sichuan Province.
- 2016 – Present: Warden of Sichuan Women’s Prison.
Full Name of Perpetrator: Liao (last name) Qunfang (first name) (Chinese: 廖群芳)
- Gender: Female
- Country: China
- Date/year of Birth: N/A
- Place of Birth: N/A
Title or Position:
- 2008 – 2013: Deputy Head of Prison Area, Sichuan Women’s Prison; Head of Prison Area, Sichuan Women’s Prison.
- 2013 – Present: Head of Education Reform Section, Sichuan Women’s Prison (Head of the Prison 610 Office).
Main Crimes
Chengdu Women’s Prison in Sichuan Province, formerly known as West Sichuan Women’s Prison, is located in Longquanyi District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province.
In 2013, it became the designated location for the persecution of female Falun Gong practitioners in Sichuan Province. Since 2014, all female Falun Gong practitioners sentenced in Sichuan Province were jailed there.
Mao Xin and Luo Lili have been directors of Chengdu Women’s Prison since 2013. During their tenures, they have implemented former CCP head Jiang Zemin’s policy in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners using cruel and unusual methods.
To force Falun Gong practitioners, who believe in Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, to give up their belief, the prison guards tortured the practitioners physically and mentally. This torture was packaged under the slogans of “civilised law enforcement” and “humanised management” to avoid suspicion from outsiders.
The methods of persecution include violent beatings, electric shocks, handcuffing (including being handcuffed to hold unnatural positions for extended periods of time), running, cold and heat exposure, standing or sitting for extended periods of time in inhumane positions, toxic drug injections, binding, force-feeding, forced calisthenics, forced blood tests, being stabbed with needles, being drenched with water, being smashed against a wall, restrictions on toilet use, solitary confinement, and deprivation of visitation rights.
At the same time, the prison also broadcasted programs and disseminated literature that slandered the founder of Falun Gong to weaken the wills of Falun Gong practitioners.
Every Wednesday, Liao Qunfang, head of the 610 Office, would call together all Falun Gong practitioners to have a meeting. In the meeting, she slandered Falun Gong and ordered attendees to write thought reports on what they learned. Liao Qunfang instructed the prison guards and other prisoners to brutally persecute Falun Gong practitioners. As a result of this, Hu Xia and Yan Hongmei were tortured to death in December 2017.
According to available statistics, since 2013, practitioners Chen Shikang, Hu Xia, Yan Hongmei, Hu Yanshun (Hu Tingshun), Liang Wende, Ding Guoqin, and Gao Chunxiu were persecuted to death. Many other practitioners were persecuted to the point of physical disabilities or mental disorders. Mao Xin, Luo Lili, and Liao Qunfang, as the wardens and the head of the 610 Office, are fully responsible for the severe persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in Chengdu Women’s Prison.
Cases of persecution to death:
Case 1: Hu Xia tortured to death for refusing to transform
Hu Xia was arrested on July 18, 2015 and her home was ransacked. On March 11, 2016, Hu Xia was sentenced to prison. In May 2016, she was transferred to Chengdu Women’s Prison. While in prison, Hu Xia was often forced stand for long periods of time and was beaten so often that her teeth fell out and her legs and buttocks were severely bruised. Because Hu Xia refused to transform, her food intake was limited. She was allowed only one or two meals a day or less. She became emaciated as a result. The prison guards also instructed the criminals to hold Hu Xia’s head in a water bucket (a torture method, see picture below), which weakened her body and left her traumatized. One week before February 10, 2017, Hu Xia was detained alone in the solitary confinement room. She was beaten, deprived of sleep, and forced to stand for a long time. A few days later, Hu Xia became unconscious. Her eyes could not focus. She became unresponsive and incontinent, defecating in her pants or on the floor where she slept. She died in prison on December 19, 2017 as a result of the long-term physical and mental torture she suffered in Chengdu Women’s Prison. She was 55.

Case 2: Chen Shikang passed away 20 days after returning home
Chen Shikang was arrested by the police outside of her home on the night of June 26, 2013 and was sentenced to five years in prison. She was tortured in Chengdu Women’s Prison and developed a serious illness from the maltreatment.
Her family members requested medical parole on account of her health, but it was refused by the prison. Before the 2016 Chinese New Year, Chen Shikang was secretly sent home, and the prison guards threatened Chen Shikang’s family so that they wouldn’t tell anyone about the deterioration of her health. After about 20 days at home, Chen Shikang passed away at the age of 59.
Case 3: Teacher Yan Hongmei persecuted to death in Chengdu Women’s Prison
Yan Hongmei was art teacher. She was arrested and had her home ransacked on August 4, 2014. On March 7, 2015, she was sentenced to four years in prison. Yan Hongmei was severely persecuted in the Chengdu Women’s Prison to the point where she developed cancer symptoms. She was admitted to the prison hospital on September 2, 2017. However, she was denied medical bail. As a result, Yan Hongmei passed away in prison.
Case 4: Ding Guoqin tortured to death
Ding Guoqin was arrested on October 16, 2017 and sentenced to two years and six months in prison in late August 2018. On August 22, 2018, Ding Guoqin was transferred to the Chengdu Women’s Prison for persecution.
When Ding Guoqin’s sons and daughters visited their mother in prison for the first time, she was carried out on someone’s back to see them. She couldn’t move her hands or feet. Later, they learned that Ding Guoqin had been tortured to the point of physical disability after being in prison for less than three months.
Within a few days, her family received a notice from the prison that Ding Guoqin was critically ill and that she had been sent to the prison hospital. On May 21, 2019, Ding Guoqin passed away in the prison hospital at the age of 69.
Case 5: Gao Chunxiu died after being injected with unknown drugs
Gao Chunxiu was arrested by the police and had her home ransacked on July 8, 2014. She was sentenced to three years and six months in prison. While Gao Chunxiu was jailed in Chengdu Women’s Prison, she was tortured to the point of passing out three times. She was admitted to the hospital and was injected with unknown drugs.
After Gao Chunxiu arrived home on New Year’s Day in 2018, she suffered from an unknown physical illness and could not drink any water. On September 24, 2019, Gao Chunxiu passed away. She was 69.
Case 6: Chen Zhilian was persecuted to the verge of death
Chen Zhilian, around 70, was arrested in 2018 and sentenced to three years and six months in prison. In early 2020, she was transferred to Chengdu Women’s Prison. While in prison, Chen Zhilian was beaten so hard that her skull fractured, putting her on the verge of death. After that, she was sent to the Sichuan Judicial Police Hospital and denied family visitation.
Case 7: Poisoned with drugs, Pan Xiaoping develops mental disorders
Pan Xiaoping was sentenced to three years in prison in 2015. For more than two years, the prison guards physically tortured her with sleep deprivation, freezing, pouring cold water, drowning (pressing her head into a bucket of cold water), being forced to sit on a small bench, electric shocks, being forced to stand against a wall, and handcuffing.
To prevent Pan Xiaoping from doing the Falun Gong exercises, they tied chopsticks to the joints in her hands and feet. Later, they put her in “restraint clothes” (a torture method), refused to let her to use the toilet, and transferred her to the strict discipline team. Later, the prison guards arbitrarily labeled Pan Xiaoping as “mentally insane” and force-fed her psychiatric drugs.
Two months before Pan Xiaoping’s release, she was force-fed the drugs either once every other day, or once a day. Ever after, Pan Xiaoping’s physical condition deteriorated significantly. She had pain in her hands, toothaches, body stiffness, and foot pains. A few months after Pan Xiaoping was released from prison, she became incoherent.

Case 8. Tang Yunxia was tortured and forced to transform
Tang Yunxia was sentenced to five years in prison on June 6, 2018 and sent to Chengdu Women’s Prison on November 7. The prison guards forced Tang Yunxia to write a guarantee letter to renounce her faith, but she refused. The prison guards punished her by forcing her to stand every day, from 6am to 12am for 56 consecutive days,
Tang Yunxia was asked to stand in a military position without any movement. The prison guard in charge of her cell ordered all the other inmates to not give her any toilet paper. If she moved, specially assigned inmates (or “education helpers”) would hit her and poke her hand with pen tips.
In January 2019, the prison guards began to punish her with seated torture (a torture method where the victim is forced to sit military-style, with her back straight and palms flat on her knees, on a very small stool). The stool is only four inches high, with a platform about the size of a palm (see the picture below).
Tang Yunxia was forced to sit from morning to night. It was cold in the winter, but Tang Yunxia was only allowed to wear thin clothes. If she moved, the education helpers would pour cold water over her body.

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