My Brother’s Fate Changed After Signing “Reject the CCP” Petition

It has been 11 years since I began practicing Falun Dafa. Dafa helped me regain my health and my family now lives in harmony.

Many of my relatives are interested in my life as a practitioner, including my younger brother. I clarified the truth to him. He watched the movie “Free China and another video about the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in China.

A “Reject the CCP” petition was recently introduced. I hesitated to tell my friends and family about it. Would people who grew up in a county once ruled by communism accept it?

In the end, I decided to seek signatures for the petition. I started by talking to my family and friends since I had already told them about the true nature of the CCP and its persecution of Falun Dafa.

I visited my older brother. The atmosphere in his home was depressing. My brother looked sad and tired. His youngest child has a disorder and has seizures. The child was not doing well and my brother did not have enough money to take him to the hospital. Even with high doses of anti-seizure medication, the child has seizures every day which go on for a long time.

Talking to my brother’s family was not easy. We talked about the shadowy spirits of Marxism and communism. I pointed out that, as for the oath we made when we joined the Young Pioneers as children, if we did not make our oath to God, then who did we give our word to?

My brother listened and agreed. He and his wife signed the petition. I told them that if a person refuses to stand with the CCP, his fate will change, and his life will improve.

We hugged and they thanked me for visiting them.

That night, my brother’s financial situation changed. He had enough money to take his child to the hospital. He and his wife were very happy.

My brother called me the next morning and said that he just had the best sleep in years.

I’m convinced that my brother and his family situation improved due to signing the “Reject the CCP” petition.