Falun Gong practitioners were once again invited to participate in the annual Blacktown City Festival on May 25, 2019.
Located in Western Sydney, the City of Blacktown has around 330,000 residents from more than 30 ethnic groups. The city has over 48 suburbs and two major commercial centres.
Falun Gong practitioners’ entry in the parade featured the Tian Guo Marching Band, a float, and a waist drum team. Around ten thousand people attended the parade.

City Councilor Expresses Admiration for Falun Gong Practitioners
Mr. Jess Diaz has been a Blacktown City council member for 11 years. He is also chairman of the Filipino Language Committee and the first Filipino lawyer to be admitted as a Barrister in Australia.
He pointed out that more and more organisations are participating in the annual event. He feels this is a great opportunity for people of different ethnic groups to come together and celebrate cultural diversity.
Councilor Diaz praised practitioners and said, “The demeanor of practitioners has added value to this activity. This is an excellent organisation.”
“Over the years, I have observed the sincere efforts made by members of this group to convey their message to the world. I’m very impressed. I know practitioners are going through difficult times and the meditation and cultivation method they promote benefits people in the community. I believe this practice is good for mind and body. You must continue what you are doing. I know you have been working very hard and I really admire what you have done.”

Invited to Promote Falun Gong on the Radio
John who works at a community radio station stopped by the practitioners’ booth and asked several questions.
When he was told how the practice is persecuted in China, he suggested that practitioners book a one hour slot on the radio station every week to tell more people about Falun Gong.
He said it would be very effective since many people listen to the radio.

People are Curious about Falun Gong
Justin a police officer, walked past the Falun Gong display with other officers. They greeted practitioners warmly and Justin gave them a thumbs up. Justin had learned about Falun Gong and the persecution previously and has begun practicing.
Tracy was attracted by the lotus flowers decorating the booth and wanted to know more about Falun Gong. She said, “The exercises and meditation are good for one’s body and soul. I believe this must be a wonderful practice.”
As practitioners demonstrated the exercises many people were drawn to the relaxing movements and uplifting music. Some said they wanted to learn to practice and asked about practice sites.